It was one of those days where ....ya know.... your buddy calls you up and says "hey come down to the tatoo shop and watch me tatoo dustin" keep in mind he's not a tatoo artist, he pierces but no tatoo artist, so i had to go check it out. So im sittin there and the apprentice says to me" Hey Primus ( thats what they call me down there) let me tatoo you" and im like "im broke as fuck dude" and hes like "im board, i just want to tatoo someone" so of coarse i was like ok. So anyway hes like 'what do you want" Well i wasn't planning on getting ink plus hes an apprentice but he's a great artist and i seen his work to let him do something "easy" . So hes a huge fan of A nightmare before Christmas and i allways wanted a jack tat so long story..ah...long , here ya go

This is the one suicideking13 did

you can go to his page to here the whole story behind it

This is the one suicideking13 did

you can go to his page to here the whole story behind it
please, if you're feeling totally awesome maybe you could...include K.I.T.H kids in the hall.