well , here it goes, my first journal entry. Ive never written in a journal before.Well, this past month ive been spending alot of thim online and doing a whole lot of nuthin. Screwed up my leg at work and i am on all typs of painkillers, any how it modivates me to do shit. I hate it, i dont even want to play my bass guitar.But ive had lots of company, friends that want to get me even more fucked up. And if i wasn't home all day doing nuthing i would never opened a suicide girls account, actually a friend did it for me ,seeing how im home all day , he singed me up and suprized me. What a gerat guy, hes sitting next to me rite now and he asked me if i was writing a journal entry, then farted and it sounded like a trumpet. we laughed and i goes on with he was typing about , any how so yea im laying arround doing nuthing, so once im better i'll probaly loose intrest in this because im so busy normaly i dont have a minute to my self .mostly playing my guitar and my daughter,not playing my daughter, but taking care of her. shes a blast thuogh. I hate not playing with her, ya know being waited on is nice but everything els that goes allong with it is shitty.
PeaCe im outa here
PeaCe im outa here
hey i know you looked familiar