Well, i'm just crazy.. not that you all didn't know this already.. my doctor insists nothing is wrong with me, the dr at urgent care is a moron.. went to pittsburgh with my friend and had an epiphany that i love and miss that city.. the boy and i are now over.. we've only been roommates for like 9 months now anyhow.. so nothing is really changing there.. so.. i'm going back up to pittsburgh in may to make sure that i want to definitely uproot myself at this time.. so i guess we'll sell the house.. after spending time and $$$$$$ to fix it up.. but it gives me a goal and hope.. so i'm pretty ok.. all emotionally f-ed up.. but i felt so happy in pittsburgh.. besides it will be good for me to just focus on myself and what career direction i want to go on.. right? anyone want to take pity on me and get drunk?
damn if i find some free time and i'm not freaking out i might have to take you up on that. i'm a living breathing mood swing haha!
Take pity on you and get drunk. I'm in!!!