so if anyone lives or is just around the east side of cincy.. can you please keep an eye out for one of my dogs? my red and white siberian husky ran away this morning to eat some trash down the street and she hasn't come back... we've looked for her all day and we're so upset. she is wearing a purple collar with all of her ID on it, she also has an invisible fence brand collar, that is ainly blue, and she has a microchip imbedded under the skin over her shoulders. I will never get to sleep without her beside me.. and it tears me up to think of her outside, lost, cold and lonely. i just hope someone is kind enough to take her in and call us. We're offering a reward.. but she's worth so much more than money.. she loves people and kids..
sevenmag: so sorry, i dont know what i would do if i was without one of my dog' sure she will turn up