its snowing alot in boston tonite. damn being alone in this weather.
yo.. whats new? anyone having a great day? i am not. well.. i guess ill be back later
friday nites arent supposed to happen like the one that just did. spending large amounts on booze and having tons of the craziest people enjoying revenge of the nerds. it was comedy indeed. and people hooked up i wouldnt think to. not much sleep happened, and i got stuck in the band rehearsal part of the house with a young girl named jen. well.. we...
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yeah i am still alive. my hip still hurts. erica from atlanta wants me to come down in august. ill be in that area around my bday. i told her that i would make it.. and she is excited. blah..random snips of my summer arent as good as last years. oh well. i guess ill make up for it after my bday. thanks for your...
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so i am realizing that i got some sort of injury to my hip while playing paintball that didnt take effect till this afternoon when i was with lindsay. we sat on my couch at my rehearsal space playing pong together and i went to get some drinks and it hurt badly to get up. the rest of the nite i am in pain..and when...
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hi! thanks for the compliment implied by the placing of my face in your three at the top!
got some cd's from a co worker named melody. dwight yoakam and alan jackson. the alan jackson is in the car, dwight chills out in my room. well, i guess the boys in the rock band got the cdep finished..mastered and mixed till 3 am. got a phone call today at work asking if i would be available for a listen on tuesday. yes, i...
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yay! boston...and you love emma! we have two things in common.
yay! boston...and you love emma! we have two things in common.
maine took me this morning for paintball event of the NEPL tournament series stop 3. we filled the van and watched the 'adams family' on the road. ended up in maine a lil early and unloaded. walked the fields and started the day, good games were played until late in the day, ousted first round playoff by our pals in outrage. we learned a lesson....
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