so its been a long time since i wrote anything but the last one was when i started my leg over a year ago and well its almost finished i kep forgetting to go back and finish it. So two weeks ago my girlfriend told me she needed some time alone and couldnt handle having a boyfriend. so me being the idiot i am and not being able to handle her breaking up with me i said some mean things to her and now i dont think she will ever talk to me again. i mean this is the second time she has done this to me and she broke my heart last time too, but i still love her and even though she never really treated me that good i kinda want her back . i mean i know nothing would change and i would probably still be miserable but at least i wouldnt be alone again imean when you havent had a girlfriend in eight years it kinda suxs going back to beaing alone. i dont know i know i love her so much and the things i said are killing me cuz i know they hurt her but i cant take them back now she wont even talk to me and we work together still aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this sucks so bad
wow someone actually left a comment. thank you for the support.