To those with the habbit of taking offence to meaningless comments from total strangers and to those in the habbit of misusing/misunderstanding/misapplying philosophies and terminology... please refrain from doing so in a self-evident act of spite or resentment or ressentiment if you prefer.
As to not perpetuate any hostility based on uncalled for resentment I will stop here and apologize for any violent psychological distress I may have caused
. Why don't we spin the Wheel Of Conversation Subjects!?
COMA 3 // Absence de Rponse --- Montral Electro-Noise fest
Went to all three days... was totally awesome!
First night was EBM/Electro-Industrial. Memmaker and Headscan really stood out, both acts (although different in style) were really energetic and professional. Re-Agent was pretty nice also and I unfortunately missed Stendeck.
Second day was Rythmic Industrial. Perfection Plastic were very entertaining as usual (with Guillaume jumping around like a midget on crack) albeit a major technical issue. Cenotype, Pneumatic Detach and many other were also very nice, but still, nothing got me moving much.
Day three... Experimental Ambient/Noise/Rythmic Industrial.
Almost every band was awesome. Starting from totaly experimental to ambient and getting increasingly rythmic and on the IDM side (especially with Liar's Rosebush -fucking sweet!- to come mix things up) and ending with super layered repetitive industrial tek... yes that's right.... mothafuckin' Vromb! Just before Vromb though was the really great Displacer; beautiful ambient/industrial sounds layered with heavy breaks. Finnally when Vrom came on I even found the energy to dance (believe me when I say I was tired). It was a non-stop cascade of synths and pulsing rythms... truly awesome!
Well, be on the look out for COMA 4, especially cause I'll be sharing the stage with the other artists... something that unfortunately didn't take place this year.
Meh, peace out.
To those with the habbit of taking offence to meaningless comments from total strangers and to those in the habbit of misusing/misunderstanding/misapplying philosophies and terminology... please refrain from doing so in a self-evident act of spite or resentment or ressentiment if you prefer.
As to not perpetuate any hostility based on uncalled for resentment I will stop here and apologize for any violent psychological distress I may have caused

COMA 3 // Absence de Rponse --- Montral Electro-Noise fest
Went to all three days... was totally awesome!
First night was EBM/Electro-Industrial. Memmaker and Headscan really stood out, both acts (although different in style) were really energetic and professional. Re-Agent was pretty nice also and I unfortunately missed Stendeck.
Second day was Rythmic Industrial. Perfection Plastic were very entertaining as usual (with Guillaume jumping around like a midget on crack) albeit a major technical issue. Cenotype, Pneumatic Detach and many other were also very nice, but still, nothing got me moving much.
Day three... Experimental Ambient/Noise/Rythmic Industrial.
Almost every band was awesome. Starting from totaly experimental to ambient and getting increasingly rythmic and on the IDM side (especially with Liar's Rosebush -fucking sweet!- to come mix things up) and ending with super layered repetitive industrial tek... yes that's right.... mothafuckin' Vromb! Just before Vromb though was the really great Displacer; beautiful ambient/industrial sounds layered with heavy breaks. Finnally when Vrom came on I even found the energy to dance (believe me when I say I was tired). It was a non-stop cascade of synths and pulsing rythms... truly awesome!
Well, be on the look out for COMA 4, especially cause I'll be sharing the stage with the other artists... something that unfortunately didn't take place this year.
Meh, peace out.
You get those songs sorted?