Feel.... so... old....
Anyhoo, still more musicaly oriented updates. My solo and far more interesting material under the moniker Entheogen is coming along super nicely.
Had to cancel a live show last saturday for cause of working too fucking early the next day, which really fucking sucks. Also, got cut from the upcoming COMA 3 electro-noise fest here in MTL... Reason: Guillaume organiser) had way too many artists to choose from and had to cut a few. Bleh, he apologized profusedly (which was unnercessary as just the fact he wanted me there is flattery enough) and assured me a place next year, which is awesome cause by then my shitt will really blow your minds.
Well das ist it.
Peace out and for the love of god... learn to pronounce german names properly people. I really can't stand hearing Nietzsch anymore.
Anyhoo, still more musicaly oriented updates. My solo and far more interesting material under the moniker Entheogen is coming along super nicely.
Had to cancel a live show last saturday for cause of working too fucking early the next day, which really fucking sucks. Also, got cut from the upcoming COMA 3 electro-noise fest here in MTL... Reason: Guillaume organiser) had way too many artists to choose from and had to cut a few. Bleh, he apologized profusedly (which was unnercessary as just the fact he wanted me there is flattery enough) and assured me a place next year, which is awesome cause by then my shitt will really blow your minds.
Well das ist it.
Peace out and for the love of god... learn to pronounce german names properly people. I really can't stand hearing Nietzsch anymore.

yea super aids lol, well Im too nice to do that... Im used to the pain its ok...