After 30 hours of game time, I have completed the game and completed the DLC as well. Gotta say I had a great time playing it.
Sams story kicked ass and the 2 colonels was rad as well. If you haven't played Metro exodus I recommend that you give it a go.
Metro 2033 and Metro last light were amazing as well. They are running smoothly on my RTX 2070 max Q on this little rig of a lappy I have.
I just bought Call of Duty WW2 on steam sale (yess! under $30) and have started giving that a run, so far so good. :)
If anyone has a PC game to recommend I am all ears!
Farcry looks amazing! Mafia looks amazing too! Both of them have gone to my steam wishlist (hehe now I have to wait!) Battlefield looks rad too (I have battlefield bad company on my steam but I haven't started playing it yet) Thanks for the awesome recommendations :) I like your style! :)
Far cry 5 ! I got it on special from the epic games store :)