Just had our 3rd online class via a program called blue jeans, it was cool seeing everyone in their home environments and we smashed through the work with ease, that was our last day for the term and now I am officially on holidays!!!! I'm thinking to myself I should get a nice fat ounce and smoke up because I'll be in isolation for at least a month! would totally love some buds :) wouldn't mind some nice LSD as well but the last tabs I bought were not satisfactory and I think they are the only ones going around at the moment (unless I drive an hour away to pick up. In terms of bud, I think lemon haze and gelato are the strains my dealers have for me atm.
What a perfect day! home with the heater on and no more school!!! I do however have some assessments due this Sunday and 2 more due over the holiday period but I've got heaps of time.