ok, this is my update...
last days were awesome:
- making music, and i felt great.
- enjoyed parties, for a change.
- feeling dumb and appreciate the time running.
- drinking a lot wit atomicmothball valium shahbeen raia ayane and vanille the day after...and i love them ( and gin and juice...).
- seeing my ol' flat picardia for a great dinner wit my grrrl.
- giving tattoos on everyone, my practice.
next days i will :
- make music, not if anyone cut my arms or something like this.
- get sick about my last job...a stupid-institutional-movie-about-guys-in-suits...i m only into that for the money, cause i need it.
- hit the road wit my grrrl to switzerland.
- drink a little more.
- make a show where everyone are invited!!!!...yes, you too.
- and have a great mood cause i didn't feel it since months.
- make photography for everyone who want or need to, SG sets or not specially for , ask me.
//////// if anyone want to boycote the saturday night, my house will be open for a lots of excitment........ come here people.
//////// i m waiting for pepe and nya this saturday night, if you want to come here. We are expecting you, we miss u...

+more pics added in the folders+
C'est un ordre!
si c'est a je vais dire la suicidegirl qui habite chez toi que tu as t mchant avec moi. Et elle va te taper (j'espre).