You know there are a lot of things I wish I could talk about, but Im scarred that people I know might read this blog. Im pretty sure that no one actually reads this blog, but Id be mighty embarrassed if someone I did know read this and saw me open up about whats on my mind. I guess thats what a blog should be...
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So, I watched a pretty good movie the other night called Watching the Detectives. It was a rom-com, which starred Cillian Murphy and Lucy Liu, who I think, made a great couple in the film. The movie is about a video store owner who specializes in cult/ hard to find/ old movies. Cillian Murphys character spends a lot of time watching movies and even setting...
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There seems to be a mild epidemic going around. No, Im not talking about swine flu, Im talking about people who claim to understand the opposite sex and then proceed to pimp out their advice. The only problem is that they dont understand the opposite sex at all. Lately it feels like a lot of women are coming out of the wood work claiming to...
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Ok, so I kinda have a question for everyone. There is this girl that I think I might really like. I phrase it that way because I don't know her really well, but from what I know she seems great. As some of you might have ready a dream inspired me to try to get to know her better, but that's neither here nor there...
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A new complication has arisen in my quest to follow a dream I had recently. The company I write comic books for has decided to make me a board member and has sent me a contract that is ridiculous. I mean, its very fair to them. They get to stand over me like slave drivers and I get pretty much nothing for it. Normally, I...
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So, I had a really pleasant dream last night. I dreamt that I was in love with a girl and it really brought back a nice feeling, one that I havent had for a long time. It wasnt a sexual dream in any way; it was just amazing having some one to be intimate with, someone to hold and be excited to see. Any ways,...
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This blog made my heart melt. It's so romantic. My advice would be to take things slow, don't go about it looking to fall in love or looking for a relationship. Maybe you'll just find out that she's a really cool chick and you can start out with that... Don't try to come on to strong, just be real casual about it when you first start talking because she might get a little nervous talking to you and it'll make it easier if you seem casual and confident at the same time. I hope everything works out for you.. =)
I finally got up the nerve to talk to her.
Right now I've got a good 20 minutes to kill, so I thought I would try my hand at writing a quick blog. Well, here goes... Hmm, uh, well... I've got nothing. Oh, wait! OK. How about this, I'm still pretty much an amateur at this whole comic book think. This isnt so bad since amature essentially means youre doing something simply for the love...
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Boy, its been one of those weeks. First of all I started school again, which normally wouldnt be such a big deal, but it turns out one of my teachers believe that the entire grade for the class should be based on two essay papers. So Im a little nervous about that. The only other problem Ive run into is the stupid financial aid department...
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First day of Mini Mega Con is done, and it didn't go quite as well as planned. While I did meet a few interesting people, I didn't sell nearly as many copies as I wanted to... Well, I sold 1. But still, tomorrow is another day and hopefully I'll get some more sales. But hey, I might have a review of my comics on
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wow! you make comics? that's great!
Well, I try.
Well, I've got some good news and a little bit of bad news. I guess I should start with the bad news; turns out I managed to break my ankle. Which means I wont be able to work for four weeks. This kind of sucks and it kinda doesn't. I wont have any income, but I also hate my job with a fiery passion. The...
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sorry that you broke your ankle! OMG! I hope it heals soon!
Thank you darlin'.
It feels like one of those days. I have a long list of things to do and for some reason I just cant get going. For some reason I just cant seem to decide on what to do first. Every time I try to start on something, I end up floating on to some other task. Needless to say, this isnt a very effective method...
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The comic series I've developed and written