Everything sucks at the moment.

I'm not happy with where I am now and worried about what's ahead of me.
I'm not happy with who I am and clearly I'm not alone.

I feel hollow and I don't know what to do about it.

alil too much going on right now...
i just wanna work, i needa work.

for fuck's sake.
just leave me alone.

know how you feel.
something will come up. promise
everything will be alright. (she tells herself)

a stupid pointless faith in the universe can sort anything out.

am i to really become a bloody performance artist?

i hope not.

id rather just stick with photography and painting, really.
please dont give me the "oh u needa be more out-there to become a successful artist" lecture again...

i am no performer.
i cant perform.

concepts cant be performed and my work is conceptual.
please understand.

The work speaks for itself... fuck this "self-promotion" bullshit...

I recently had to do an interview for a short film I did... I fucking hated it...

btw your black and white shots are stunning

[Edited on Feb 08, 2006 1:15AM]
happy valentine's day sweetie kiss kiss
watched Underworld:Evolution today... better than i expected and it's better than the first one... so it wasn't REALLY a waste of money... hah. and she's pretty hot in it so yeah...

other than that... illness sucks.

Oh boy.

excessive drinking + lack of sleep + overflow of caffine + too much seafood = some weirdass virus attacking my liver = allergy attack!

that describes the end of my winter holiday.

my face is still itching like fuck.
i wanna just rip it off and throw it to the wall and smash it with a hammer.

anyway. im back.
hello again....
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me is going to get pissed on free booze tonight. fuck others.
have a lovely xmas eve, boys and girls.

* * *

seeing three guys from three shitty past relationships all in one packed bar where they sell expensive drinks while you try to get pissed is not a very pleasant thing... tonight went by really fucking slow.

and it fucking sucked....
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This is an all Thanks post.

Missed my flight back to Hong Kong on the 16th and had to stay at some hotel in heathrow for a night... that was really pretty stressful.

*so thanks Jack, Jo, Aphextwin (an actual living creature) and mogwai (on random + repeat) for keeping me company.

Then i'd like thank the following people for that great belated...
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