RIP Patrick
The past few days have been quite eventful. in short: i met a new group of friends, we played beer pong, but they called it beirut; i had an interview at quizno's, I think i've been hired, i know it's only because my roommate is their best employee and put in a word for me; since i don't start work until next week, and carrie is back home for a few days for her grandmother's 80th, i'm gonna go chill with Evan for a few days.
This last bit is especially exciting, seeing as i haven't seen my good buddy Evan for a while, and he just got a new "ice-cooled," three-foot hooka. Even more exciting is that another one of my best friends from back home, the fabulous thesbian Rachel, will be coming up from NYC to hang out with the two of us. Good times will inevitablely ensue, a la liquor and herb in excess.
The picture of the roaring fire above is from our glorious couch fire monday night. Jordan came from california spreading the good gospel of couch fires on drunken rages, and i have seen the light. it is bright, hot, and smells like burning synthetic fibers. we actually burned two couches, because the first one was just so much fun.
long live beligerance
indeed long live beligerance.
i'd die of boredom without beligerance.