(the sound of my anguish accumulating from the job hunt)
You know what the most fucked up thing ever is? Refrences. how unfair is it to ask me for three people that i've known for more than 5 years? let me go back through my last five years to demonstrate my problem:
sophomore year: well my girlfriend's dad committed suicide, so they're out of the question, my best friend fell in love with some dude and stopped hanging out with me. i had a friend who started dating this total drug fiend and began a nasty extacy habit, which has left her a much different person. etc.
junior year: start going out w/ serious girlfriend, more about that later. i've basically stopped hanging out with most of my friends from middle school. some aren't okay with smoking pot. one of my best guy friends since third grade only hangs out with the lacross wanna-be's, who all have decided to make me their favorite ass in their stupid jokes and pranks.
senior year: girlfriend is totally nuts by now. sleeps with another of my best friends- theyr'e both out. I make some good new friends but i dont really know any of their parents at all, since we can all drive and can't stand most of our parents.
well. that was my highschool career in a nutshell. and the fucking assholes writing job applications have decided that it's nessisary for me to relive this awful time to search for three motherfuckers to be my refrences. well guess what BRUGGERS BAGELS! i have noone. and it hurts to admit that. so fuck off and die.
(the sound of my anguish accumulating from the job hunt)
You know what the most fucked up thing ever is? Refrences. how unfair is it to ask me for three people that i've known for more than 5 years? let me go back through my last five years to demonstrate my problem:
sophomore year: well my girlfriend's dad committed suicide, so they're out of the question, my best friend fell in love with some dude and stopped hanging out with me. i had a friend who started dating this total drug fiend and began a nasty extacy habit, which has left her a much different person. etc.
junior year: start going out w/ serious girlfriend, more about that later. i've basically stopped hanging out with most of my friends from middle school. some aren't okay with smoking pot. one of my best guy friends since third grade only hangs out with the lacross wanna-be's, who all have decided to make me their favorite ass in their stupid jokes and pranks.
senior year: girlfriend is totally nuts by now. sleeps with another of my best friends- theyr'e both out. I make some good new friends but i dont really know any of their parents at all, since we can all drive and can't stand most of our parents.
well. that was my highschool career in a nutshell. and the fucking assholes writing job applications have decided that it's nessisary for me to relive this awful time to search for three motherfuckers to be my refrences. well guess what BRUGGERS BAGELS! i have noone. and it hurts to admit that. so fuck off and die.

[Edited on Jul 01, 2005 4:05PM]