It's Friday morning. i woke up at nine. so dehydrated. thirsty thursdays are always a lot of work, and therefore i need my sleep in order to recouperate for thirsty friday, satuday, and sunday.
Some kid just painted a really nice piece on my cafeteria's roof two days ago. It looks out over the whole quad. I personally think it looks better than the ugly ass brick wall that is under it (my school has some pretty fugly 70's brick/steel/glass arcitecture), but the administration was having a fit (always entertaining). The real problem is the weird sense of competition welling up inside me. i must outdo him. i'm itching for a chance to scramble up the side of some building, painting for like 1/2 an hour, then smoking a big fat blunt right to my face.
Some kid just painted a really nice piece on my cafeteria's roof two days ago. It looks out over the whole quad. I personally think it looks better than the ugly ass brick wall that is under it (my school has some pretty fugly 70's brick/steel/glass arcitecture), but the administration was having a fit (always entertaining). The real problem is the weird sense of competition welling up inside me. i must outdo him. i'm itching for a chance to scramble up the side of some building, painting for like 1/2 an hour, then smoking a big fat blunt right to my face.