okay so i was without internet for about seven months and living in a very uncomfortable situation in the middle of nowhere.
now i'm in a new place, i'm getting a new roommate at the end of the month, and i've been making pretty good money at my day job. my new roomie is an old friend of mine, and female, thank god, because i've lived with my last dude.
i had two solo shows in high class bars around the area, and i won second place with my favorite painting from the bulls on parade series i did last fall in a juried show in my home state of florida. most recently i got a big fat commission to paint a portrait of this old couple for their 50th anniversary.
i got rid of the old minivan and hooked it up with a sweet little civic (black of course). it's a really nice car but it kinda just makes me miss sibyl, the car i bought when i was 17, a toyota mr2 turbo. if it wasn't a really stupid idea i would sell the civic to fix up my old baby.
i came out to my mom and my sister, and they've both been pretty good about it. i watched a movie last night that said something along the lines of "family is real, and it's our job to do the best we can at letting them know who we really are." and that made me think long and hard about why i'm staying in the closet with my dad's side of the family.
i've been doing a complete overhaul of my wardrobe which has been really fun. although when i'm not in my bro-drag people sometimes yell faggot at me from their cars which is a new reality i have to deal with. fuck those motherfuckers anyway. i like to assume they were checking me out and then realized i was male bodied and it made them very insecure with their sexuality and they felt the need to reinforce their maleness by shouting hateful epitaphs at me from their truck. way to go bro.
that's a pretty good recap of the last 6 months or so. it's not all good but i'd say i'm on the upward trend. august tested me and many of my friends. for some reason we all had multiple crisis happening to us at the same time. everyone was depressed. but it seems to be passing. i feel pretty good about my life except that winter is coming and ican feel my chemestry getting fu ked up from the sun setting early.
now i'm in a new place, i'm getting a new roommate at the end of the month, and i've been making pretty good money at my day job. my new roomie is an old friend of mine, and female, thank god, because i've lived with my last dude.
i had two solo shows in high class bars around the area, and i won second place with my favorite painting from the bulls on parade series i did last fall in a juried show in my home state of florida. most recently i got a big fat commission to paint a portrait of this old couple for their 50th anniversary.
i got rid of the old minivan and hooked it up with a sweet little civic (black of course). it's a really nice car but it kinda just makes me miss sibyl, the car i bought when i was 17, a toyota mr2 turbo. if it wasn't a really stupid idea i would sell the civic to fix up my old baby.
i came out to my mom and my sister, and they've both been pretty good about it. i watched a movie last night that said something along the lines of "family is real, and it's our job to do the best we can at letting them know who we really are." and that made me think long and hard about why i'm staying in the closet with my dad's side of the family.
i've been doing a complete overhaul of my wardrobe which has been really fun. although when i'm not in my bro-drag people sometimes yell faggot at me from their cars which is a new reality i have to deal with. fuck those motherfuckers anyway. i like to assume they were checking me out and then realized i was male bodied and it made them very insecure with their sexuality and they felt the need to reinforce their maleness by shouting hateful epitaphs at me from their truck. way to go bro.
that's a pretty good recap of the last 6 months or so. it's not all good but i'd say i'm on the upward trend. august tested me and many of my friends. for some reason we all had multiple crisis happening to us at the same time. everyone was depressed. but it seems to be passing. i feel pretty good about my life except that winter is coming and ican feel my chemestry getting fu ked up from the sun setting early.
hi how are you
where'd you go?