holy shit.
okay, so it's Friday, Feb 24. Last weekend i was in philly meeting pretty much all of my girlfriend's extended family. It was both her great aunt and her birthday, so everyone who loved either of them flew in from all corners of the country. I think i schmoozed enough, i made some good impressions.
I'm very concerned about the disparity between C and my sex drives. We've only "been intimate" once in the past 8 days! that is HIGHLY unacceptible. my arm is sore from trying to satisfy myself. Am i strange for being in the mood at least twice a day? i feel like there are girls out there with that kinda sexual appitite. But i don't want another girl, i want my girl to feel that way!
It makes me wonder what it would be like to find a guy who i was emotionally into like i am w/ C. I feel like more guys have over-active sex drives. If every time i wanted to fuck, so did my partner, i think we'd be very tired and sore all the time. We'd definately never be able to accomplish any responsibilities outside of the bed. would that get boring? who knows.
school sucks. i finished one extention from last semester before leaving for philly. i was really proud of the work i did for it. meanwhile, my schedule for this semester SUCKS ASS and is still gonna be a lot of work. I have to catch up on like 400 pages of philosohpy/history reading for some stupid ass class i signed up for at the last possible moment so i'd have enough credits at least. I haven't started any of my independant work, so i have to make up basically a month's worth for two classes. and all i can find myself motivated to do is graffiti.
i really dont' want to work at quiznos anymore. they pay such shit, especially when you work nights. i should be getting double what i do since i'm not only a sandwich bitch, but i also have to janitor the whole store before we close. that's some bullshit. Also, everyone should start leaving thier change in those tip cups. it makes a big difference to the poor kids working behind the counter. and if you order $150 dollars worht of sandwiches and don't think you need to leave ANYTHIING, than may you and all your stupid fucking softball team ROT IN FUCKING HELL.
so, does anyone know of an aphrodisiac for my girl, an amphetamine for me, and a new job to get paid? cause that's what i need, goddammit.
okay, so it's Friday, Feb 24. Last weekend i was in philly meeting pretty much all of my girlfriend's extended family. It was both her great aunt and her birthday, so everyone who loved either of them flew in from all corners of the country. I think i schmoozed enough, i made some good impressions.
I'm very concerned about the disparity between C and my sex drives. We've only "been intimate" once in the past 8 days! that is HIGHLY unacceptible. my arm is sore from trying to satisfy myself. Am i strange for being in the mood at least twice a day? i feel like there are girls out there with that kinda sexual appitite. But i don't want another girl, i want my girl to feel that way!
It makes me wonder what it would be like to find a guy who i was emotionally into like i am w/ C. I feel like more guys have over-active sex drives. If every time i wanted to fuck, so did my partner, i think we'd be very tired and sore all the time. We'd definately never be able to accomplish any responsibilities outside of the bed. would that get boring? who knows.
school sucks. i finished one extention from last semester before leaving for philly. i was really proud of the work i did for it. meanwhile, my schedule for this semester SUCKS ASS and is still gonna be a lot of work. I have to catch up on like 400 pages of philosohpy/history reading for some stupid ass class i signed up for at the last possible moment so i'd have enough credits at least. I haven't started any of my independant work, so i have to make up basically a month's worth for two classes. and all i can find myself motivated to do is graffiti.
i really dont' want to work at quiznos anymore. they pay such shit, especially when you work nights. i should be getting double what i do since i'm not only a sandwich bitch, but i also have to janitor the whole store before we close. that's some bullshit. Also, everyone should start leaving thier change in those tip cups. it makes a big difference to the poor kids working behind the counter. and if you order $150 dollars worht of sandwiches and don't think you need to leave ANYTHIING, than may you and all your stupid fucking softball team ROT IN FUCKING HELL.
so, does anyone know of an aphrodisiac for my girl, an amphetamine for me, and a new job to get paid? cause that's what i need, goddammit.

Nothing to learn, no complex systems, no difficult procedures, just do half an hour of work and toss it in the closet. There's no smell either. Its a little bit of work, yeah, but so is making sandwiches for snob fucks. Let me know if you need any help.
[Edited on Apr 09, 2006 8:17PM]
no not all of us are like that...I have the sex drive of a guy...haha and I know guys that only want it like once a month
Anyway just saying hi....I saw your intro on one of the groups we are both in...and you aren't too far away so I thought that was cool
Have a good one and I hope your semester is going ok.