Not entirely sure that anyone will read this, or cares, but here goes.
Well, it's been a really long time since I've been on the site. And I don't remember buying a membership, or renewing it, but my account works nonetheless. So seeing as how my last blog was probably 7 years ago, quite a bit has changed.
I don't look the same as my pic shows, my hair is much longer now. I have a 14 month old son. I'm single. I have more tattoos. I have 2 cats, which may need new homes. I'm going to school to become a journeyman carpenter. I no longer spend all my free time on the internet. Both of my grandmas have passed on, which is sad. I'm back into reading books, and not just for school. I longboard. I don't have much spare time, it's mainly spent doing homework. I'm doing rather well in my classes, my lowest test mark has been 90%, and my lowest project mark was 78% (but it wasn't done yet).
some things however do not change. take for instance, the fact that I still don't have too many friends. getting more, but yeah. still not very good at conversing with new people. definitely not good at conversing with girls.
well, I need to go to sleep. especially now that I actually feel tired, and have to write a test in about 6 hours!