well, since i haven't updated in a while i thought i would. i just finished shaving my head a little while ago. i was getting bored and annoyed with my hair, so i got rid of it. and apparently we're getting a new wednesday hang out/drinking place. not that it will really affect me much seeing as how i might be joining them another 1-3 times more. then i'll be working and i won't be doing much gallavanting during the week...like most people. i'll be strictly a weekend late nighter. but as stated before, plans have never really been my strong suit. laters all.
More Blogs
Not entirely sure that anyone will read this, or cares, but here go… -
Sunday Jun 11, 2006
hullo all. how goes things? things go decent on my end. pardon the po… -
Wednesday Jun 07, 2006
well, i'm still here. scary huh? anywho's, i gotta run off to work in… -
Monday May 29, 2006
howdy alls. it's been quite a while since i last posted. i've been re… -
Saturday May 06, 2006
yes, i'm still alive. work is great. i got a 15 cent raise just for g… -
Saturday Apr 29, 2006
otay, so i'm back to work monday, woot. i'm so glad i'm going back. i… -
Saturday Apr 22, 2006
i hate being sick. i've had a cold now for 2 days and it sucks. i exp… -
Thursday Apr 20, 2006
oh yes. i meant to ask everyone if they are or know of anyone who is … -
Thursday Apr 20, 2006
i hope everyone had a good easter. i did. got together with bunches o… -
Sunday Apr 16, 2006
well, i no longer think life is the epitomy of hell on earth anymore.…
i like that you used the word 'gallavanting'