ok, so tonight wasn't a complete flop, but it wasn't as good as it could've been. more people are needed! come on crew. tuesdays are bonzini's and wednesdays are the broken rack. naw, it's cool if you don't wanna/can't come. understandable. well, my faith in how horrible and corrupt cops are was once again affirmed tonight. i got pulled over AGAIN
right by the museum. this time i was going under 50. i basically told the officer off cuz they didn't have anything on me and i knew i was going under the limit cuz i checked my speedometer to make sure i wasn't speeding. and the officer says "well, i'll let you off with a warning this time"! right. so once he was back in the car i gave them the finger and spun off. they left me alone cuz they knew i'd have made them in court, especially seeing as how i had a witness this time. even though it was 2:30 or so. but it seems that everytime we go drinking, we always go out afterwards. moreso when i haven't had much, when i have we kinda find somewhere to park and just sit around talking drunkenly until we sober up, realize it's boring, and either go home or go driving. but i'm off to bed cuz it's around 4 AM and i gotta be up early. well, i don't have to be, but i'm gonna. join my dad and uncles for coffee and then later for lunch. go do my banking (oh the dread!). later. and if anyone wants to join us on a tuesday or wednesday (which i don't see cuz no one has so far, but on the off chance) email or call me. check last post for number and email. laters y'all.