i want it to be summer for fucks sake. i hate this damned cold/warm/cold/cold BS. stupid weather can't make up it's mind on what it's gonna do. first it melts a bunch then snows a bunch
. anywho, i'm thinking if the weather decides to be nice for like, 2 weeks straight, i'll finally be back to work. in other news, my somewhat insomnia is back. that's right, troubles falling asleep again. i can go to bed at like 10pm and still won't fall asleep till 3am (or 4, 5, 6, 7)! anyone know of some good old fashioned sleeping pills, that won't cause any strange side effects (such as internal bleeding or anal leakage) like most drugs nowadays. the last 2 nights have been somewhat exceptional. i still didn't fall asleep till around 2...ish last night, and about 3 the night before. but both days i've woken up at like, 1:30-2. it blows chunks, especially since i gotta be getting up at around 6:45-7 for work in a month (or so, hopefully less). ta ta peoples.