man does my pic ever look bad. i think it was better without one.
why am i so damned alone here? it really sucks not knowing many of the people here. the only people that i know are kasara and ovida, and recently learned that amethyst could be a friend too! glad i know at least a couple people. I NEED MORE FRIENDS!!!
sniff, sniff
i have no friends
except for dolce who added me which was super cool of her. thanks. now i just need to have others. oh the plotting.
the job hunting sucks. i'm supposed to be reporting in and got shit for not doing the first reporting period for EI which is kinda funny considering i didn't get the pamphlet about reporting until 5 days after the first reporting period was over. sigh. life really blows sometimes.
why am i so damned alone here? it really sucks not knowing many of the people here. the only people that i know are kasara and ovida, and recently learned that amethyst could be a friend too! glad i know at least a couple people. I NEED MORE FRIENDS!!!

the job hunting sucks. i'm supposed to be reporting in and got shit for not doing the first reporting period for EI which is kinda funny considering i didn't get the pamphlet about reporting until 5 days after the first reporting period was over. sigh. life really blows sometimes.