Well, I guess one could call today a good day, if that one were someone who was already committed to being alone in life. Just a disclaimer: I am very drunk right now and will probably be the same for about 48 hours(ish). Yesterday I had a problem the likes of which I thought I would never have. I had feelings for two girls who...
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Hello! I agree with you in offering friendship to these lasses. That is alwasy the best thing if that is truly your intention.
I will offer you some advice.
Fall-back and re-group. Do not throw yourself into anything such as work. Throw yourself into what makes YOU happy.
Star watch, cloud watch, mountain climb, hike, inflict pain on someone, vice versa, or whatever floats your boat.
The fact that one of the women is married... Not a good thing. Whatever the circumstances!
A women who keeps changing her mind. Not a good sign.
I wish you luck my friend. I hope some of this helps you in your journey.
Hey Enigma. Been a while since I've talked to you. I appreciate the way you seem to gourge yourself on life. I don't see you ever being down for long. All things go in cycles and this delima you're having is another. I do encourage you to concentrate on work. Work always brings satisfaction when your done. It helps things disappear like alchohol can't. Soon all these things will slip into time and be nothing more than a memory. Any pain you feel will become numb. I don't like getting too sentimental. So rock on and stay living strong.
Well, I am back. For now my ISP is cooperating but that could change by the time I finish this post. Thank you for all of you who posted while I was gone. The presentation I went to this weekend was great and now I will be busy with my business for a couple of weeks, kind of sucks but hey, more money. I may...
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Wow. Ever since that party I have been sleeping maybe for two hours a night. I am not, however, the least bit tired. Well, I imagine that it will kill me eventually or I will just sleep for a week or two. Who knows? So, just a quick update on myself: I am still self-employed, making a living while not spending too much time working...
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Yea, the fog has been pretty crazy lately huh?

I know what you mean about hearing someone else say it for you. I get stuck in that rut all the time. You know you're doing good things and are a good person, but if someone else doesn't notice every once in awhile, it sorta feels like you aren't whatever

Yea, maybe we can just hitch onto that Holiday Event they're trying to get together for the SGCO group.... or, we can try again with something else in a little while.
SG Road trip sounds fun!
Well, I finally found my camera after losing it in a drunken haze on halloween. The three pics I have will be up as soon as I find the time. Okay, quick update on my weekend. Went to denver for my friends birthday party. It lasted about thirty six hours of no sleep, halo, campfires, sunsets, sunrises, kidnapping of IHOP servers, and a game of...
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Naked pics rock, no matter who you are. In my opinion, everyone should be naked all the time (exept when its cold, of course).
Nakedness is the way forward.

What about one in a hot air balloon?

Heh, don't think that would be terribly practical.

That & I'm scared of heights! tongue

Thanks to those of you who participated in my little game. It was fun but I don't know what the fuck to do now, so I guess it was a one or two day thing anyway. Oh well. Well, my response to the event at regarding the Shinedown Show at 32 Bleu in Colorado Springs was a flop: In the undying facial expressions of Fstick13...
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I have nothing of any relevence to say, but here's amonkey. ooo aaa
oh thank you! Hopefully I'll have a set put together soon!
Man o Man. Today was a good day. Got to sit down and have a chat with my 15 year old sister. Got some stuff clear and totally scared the shit out of one of her 'suitors'. MWAHAHAHA. Gotta protect the sister right? Also got a new fantasy. Actually it is more of a daydream that I started having today. What do you think would...
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I just put that in there. Your eyes are fine. wink
1. national nudity day, and oh yeah, then on any day that ends with a y we would celebrate national Y day, and uh... surreal

2. fawked up!!!!!!!!!! i gave up drinkin and druggin in real life, but i do perceive there being many consequenses from these actions in SG land!! biggrin

3. courtney love

4. no periods of sobriety extending longer than 20- 30 minutes at a time..., no holding out on sexual actions or fantasies... noone absolutly noone is to wake up before noon on any given day except for sunday.... seeing as how the other conflicting rule is that noone absolutly noone is to go to bed on a saturday night.... so therefore there will be no sleeping from sat noon till sunday midnight!! and again no sobriety,.. confused

5. i would have to agree with Boo on this one, other than incase of a real need for surrency we will resort to the bartering of sexual favors!!

6. port saint fuckit!!
Wow. Crazy drama on SG tonight, er morning, er whatever. Nothing much happening with me. Got a little caught up on my research that I do for a living. Great news though, it would appear that my new business venture will be going great. Also, I may be able to help out a fellow SG person in denver(ish) area. That would be sweet. Call it...
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Never...NEVER...shall I ask for another rant again. NEVER!!!!
lol...if there were 120 SG members in Colorado Springs (or CO for that matter) I might consider it tongue But I think it might get a bit annoying me posting like 20-25 informational posts about the show in the 4 or 5 people's journals that I actually know in the area biggrin

'Tis the greatest holiday of them all. I hope you all are having a wonderful time. I got all of my partying out of the way last night. Sorry Ratchet, I did not get online in time to see your comment before I had left for the party. Maybe the next time. Well, it was very fun. I got together with a...
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I'm back biggrin

Yea, I'm on..what's up?
Well, back from fort collins. Was a day late so I couldn't hang out with the SG people at their denver event. Sorry Samanthakayne. Had a decent time and recently got a promotion. How exactly does one who is self employed get a promotion, you may ask? Well, it involves opening up to new markets and quadrupling your income. Sweet. That is how it is...
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School IS a great place to sleep...except when you sit in the front row 2 feet from your prof...they tend to smack you...or make fun of you mercilessly while you slumber unawares...
thanks! kiss
Well, it seems that the life of the free spirit is definitely affecting every aspect of my life. I just got back from camping in the woods for about a week and a half. It's funny really. I am such a technology junkie, yet I still seem to have the occasional 'itch' to pack a bag full of survival gear and trek to some part...
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See the Grudge killer... freaked me the hell out... killer good movie
were you not afraid of the cougar at any point?