Well, it turns out that maybe someone should start a group for DFed JWs. <--<--That looks funny. Anyway, glad to hear that a lot of people had a good thanksgiving. So nobody has any ideas for a long and overly complicated name? Oh well. I guess I should just look through the history and future books (yes they exist) and come up with a name that sounds like Machiavelli and Mao along with every king in history and every clan leader of all time and the head of every organized crime syndicate had an orgy and the cat is what came out.
. I like that idea
. Kind of celebrated last night at about 3:00am with a very classy dinner of chicken with this delicious Sauce cooked with whole small potatoes and carrots, ceaser salad, freshly baked french bread with butter, small fried sandwhich things, Champagne, wine, homeade brownies, and one small child who was hellbent on destroying all of it. So naturally, it was my job to keep him under control, which I don't mind because any kid whose 1 year birthday cake says all hail king koda is cool in my book, and he just rocks (he thinks I am his uncle {sort of}). Well then, as I leave to move my computer with absolutely no idea when I will be able to update again, I leave all of you with pictures from my night last night, as well as the Halloween pictures that I found. Enjoy, and until next time...

hey man sorry i didnt give you a call my net has been down for a bit. i hope that thanksgiving went alright. i apologize that i didnt call i feel like ass now. please forgive.