Well, I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving. Any holiday where one is 'suggested' to eat more than their weight in delicious food is okay in my book. However, due to the fact that everyone in my family except for me is a Jehovah Witness (they kicked me out he he he), I got to go eat my fill at Village Inn compliments of my mom. That was cool just because I absolutely love the all nite diner scene. Well, let me know how your thanksgiving was. Update on the pet issue, I decided to get a cat. Name is still up in the air though. Any suggestions? I am thinking of an overly complicated and overly long name with a very simple short nickname. Have fun with that. I do not know how long it will be until I update again, seeing as how Adelphia is still fucking around and I won't pay my bill until they stop or I move. May be looking for a roomate soon and I figure that SG is as good a place to start. Anybody in the Springs looking to pay $250-$300/month to share a 2-bedroom apartment with me? Any overly attractive females preferably (however, in the undying words of Sarge in Red vs. Blue: "If you are a [guy], don't hesitate from speaking up. I won't step on your neck or anything like that!"). Well, best wishes and see you in a while. Until next time...
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Wednesday Feb 08, 2006
I know I haven't updated as often as I should, but holy hell I am get… -
Wednesday May 18, 2005
New stuff coming soon...stay tuned. Until next time... -
Monday Mar 21, 2005
Hello all, well I wish I had something cool to update with, but I ha… -
Tuesday Mar 08, 2005
Sorry I have been unable to get to a computer everyone. This journal … -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
I will be gone for a bit. But, in the undying words of the Governor o… -
Saturday Dec 04, 2004
Well, it is a new month and I haven't updated yet. So here it is. Thi… -
Monday Nov 29, 2004
Read More -
Sunday Nov 28, 2004
Well, it turns out that maybe someone should start a group for DFed J… -
Friday Nov 26, 2004
Well, I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving. Any holiday wh… -
Monday Nov 22, 2004
Well, I am done with my one week of feeling sorry for myself. I somet…
Name the cat Catrina, then call her Cat, hehehhe....
Fuck that shit.