Man o Man. Today was a good day. Got to sit down and have a chat with my 15 year old sister. Got some stuff clear and totally scared the shit out of one of her 'suitors'. MWAHAHAHA. Gotta protect the sister right? Also got a new fantasy. Actually it is more of a daydream that I started having today. What do you think would happen if all the SGers in the world all took over an island, and self governed themselves. Away from all of the two-faced petty bullshit that goes on in our respective countries. Wouldn't it be as close to heaven on earth as it gets? I think so. Well, at this particular moment in time I think I will theive the ideas of Mercie and MistakesMade and Boo and whoever else does this and post a question of the day with a twist (like bicardi)
So here it goes:
Story of the Day by YOU
What would the holidays be on SG Island?
How would our day to day lives be?
Who would you elect for SG Prez?
What rules would there be?
Would we use money? If so, what kind of money? If not, then what?
What would we name it?
I will post my answers as my own comment to make me feel special.
Until next time...

Story of the Day by YOU
What would the holidays be on SG Island?
How would our day to day lives be?
Who would you elect for SG Prez?
What rules would there be?
Would we use money? If so, what kind of money? If not, then what?
What would we name it?
I will post my answers as my own comment to make me feel special.

2. fawked up!!!!!!!!!! i gave up drinkin and druggin in real life, but i do perceive there being many consequenses from these actions in SG land!!
3. courtney love
4. no periods of sobriety extending longer than 20- 30 minutes at a time..., no holding out on sexual actions or fantasies... noone absolutly noone is to wake up before noon on any given day except for sunday.... seeing as how the other conflicting rule is that noone absolutly noone is to go to bed on a saturday night.... so therefore there will be no sleeping from sat noon till sunday midnight!! and again no sobriety,..
5. i would have to agree with Boo on this one, other than incase of a real need for surrency we will resort to the bartering of sexual favors!!
6. port saint fuckit!!