Well, back from fort collins. Was a day late so I couldn't hang out with the SG people at their denver event. Sorry Samanthakayne. Had a decent time and recently got a promotion. How exactly does one who is self employed get a promotion, you may ask? Well, it involves opening up to new markets and quadrupling your income. Sweet. That is how it is done. Also got into another area of business and will (hopefully) be grossing about 10k per month, tax free! If that happens, once I get on my feet (i.e. house, car, boat, gold...) Some of my favorite SuicideGirls may be getting some of their wishlists filled. Granted my five favorite Girls are not necessarily my favourite girls, you know? Well hopefully that will turn out okay otherwise everyone will just label me a fucking liar who tries to make friends..........But if they say that fuck 'em! Okay, well I will update once something cool happens. Until next time...
School IS a great place to sleep...except when you sit in the front row 2 feet from your prof...they tend to smack you...or make fun of you mercilessly while you slumber unawares...