erm....Got 3 essays to do by monday!!! frown frown frown Finding it really hard to motivate myself and sit down an do my work. Don't know whats wrong. I keep finding stupid things to do instead- I've been making voodoo candles (don't really know what they are!) and i've begun making a big jig saw out of a poem. I've been using lyrics and paiting different things for...
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Get your ass to work on those essays and quit fucking around! Quit being lazy, I'm not paying for your schooling for nothing. What the hell is wrong with you kids these days? That rock n' roll and dope has destroyed your brain cells!

Not a lot to report. Erm,,, went to work today-it was well boring...

Just watched 'A tale of two sisters'. Fucking scary shit!!! Bit confusing but still scared the pants off me. I love scary films but i do get really scared. surreal

The worst was going to see the Grudge (original)at the cinema last year!!! It is even scarier in the cinema because you are...
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Cute pic. stay in contact if you cancel. what you were saying totaly makes sence. going to see a.c. newman(new pornographers) tonight. should be good. catch up later
I've got so much fucking uni work to do it's not even remotly funny! frown I fucking hate uni anyway. It's just so artificial and it's just an exercise in regurgatation! It's doing my head in.

Jack Rose was fucking amazing last night. Made me want to lock myself in bed room and not come out until i can play guitar that well.

I'm getting really...
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Hi! I went to see Joanna Newsome yestaday. It was wierd because that was the busiest i have ever seen that place and The Evens (Ian Macaye) played there a couple of weeks ago and there was like a third of the amount of people there!

I'm in two minds about the music. Ther music is really beautiful. She is an amzing musician and what...
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My friend used to play the theremin in a band I was in. Those things sound so fucking awesome. I hate eating too much before i go to shows. i always do it though. it ruins it half the time. snowboarding was excellent. good company. long week though. too much work!
Right well i can't spell!!! But for all of you people that don't know what a Theremin is: The Theremin ws invented in 1919 by the Russian Lev Terman. It is rumoured that he was actually a russian spy!

It is a wierd looking instrument: a box with 2 antenas, and it is played without being touched. As the hand goes near the vertical antenna...
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thats so cool
Okie dokie! I've cheered up a bit now! The windows fixed (not telling anyone how much it cost though! frown ) Been spending the day listening to old records and catching up on my rock 'ard uni work! They shouldn't call it university they should call it 'Rock hard reading!'. I think that gives a more accurate indication of what it entails! Got to work tonight!...
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Wokmania? that sounds like buffet like here in the states. dont know what theramine is. I always liked Harps.
I can't believe how fucking shit my day has been today! It's my fault too for being so fucking stupid! frown mad

I got home from uni and realised that i had lost my keys, so i try to ring my house mate and my phone runs out of battery. Wasn't sure what to do because my house mate is hardly ever home so i know that...
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Yeah I got the pics. Nice artwork! Looks like you have spent the money to go to the good artists. My days off were canceled cause this fucking idiot called in so I've been working too much.Blah! Might be going riding (snowboarding) sunday though so im stoked. I ran into this girl I met a long time ago and haven't kept in touch with. She invited me along, how nice of her. I feel bad cause she's a really nice girl and I'm the jerk who never calls her. It's not like we were dating or thinking along those lines anyway so I guess I shouldn't feel bad. gotta sleep. I've had insomnia off and on for months now. it drives me fucking mad! my damn stove is broken so i can't eat either. at least warm meals.
ok goodnight
frown frown frown I've had the worst fucking day! I got home from uni and realised that i've managed to misplace my keys last night in stupid drunken stuper. I go to ring my house mate and my phone runs out of battery and won't fucking work. None of the neighbours have keys only my mum who lives fucking miles away. I had to wallk back into town...
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I had a coolio day today!!! My Tina Turner car is still looking fucking awesome! I reckon she's gonna guard it pretty well!!! I mean who would break into a car with a giant TT on a spring on the front!?! .....ok i probably would too!

I started my new job today in a video shop. I was so fucking nervous and didn't sleep too...
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No need to apologize, you talk about interesting things.You gotta let me know how Sean of the dead is I haven't seen it either. My boss cut one of my days off this week, and I'm fucking pissed. I had plans, but oh well. I never really got into the Blood brothers, I think they try too hard. They are ok live I guess. I'have so much shit to do in the nexy couple weeks I don't even want to think about it. Hopefully my sister is coming to visit me soon, that will be rad. She is the coolest. Well same old routine off to work, talkk to you soon.
sean of the dead is a great movie, and yeah video store rocks to work at, i did for about 5months easiest job ever....
Had a pretty fun day today! I took my sister shopping because she does'nt drive. I found in a charity shop the most amazing picture of TinaTurner with her arms and legs stretched-on a spring!!! She has 1985 on her top too! I've stuck it on my car! I got to hang out with my 5 year old niece too! She is the sweetest, smartest...
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awwwwwww spending time with your lil niece, thats so cute hehe......that superman tribute sounds fucking hilarious.