Erm....time to update...
I'm still recovering from christmas tedium i'm afraid!!! Don't get me wrong my parents are pretty cool and i definately wouldn't want to rant on about them here!!! But obviously they have their faults but they are pretty cool!!! I totally ate far too much and drank plenty. The former being the main problem!!!! I feel SO fat!! I swear i've put on about a stone-which is a nightmare!!!! I've done really well this year losing weight and going to the gym and i think i've put it all back on in about 3 days!!!!! *Argh!!!!* The hardest thing is that because you've been eating a lot your stoumach expands and then you feel hungry a lot more!!!! It's gonna be a pain getting back to normality!!!!
I'm gonna risk going in to Leeds today-because i am itching to get out the house!!! I got a little bit of money for christmas so i'm gonna look for a little pressie for boy and get a big pressie when my student loan comes!!! (Cheap-skate!!!) I made him some pictures, monsters and mix tapes so i can pretend that i spent loads of time on them!!
Got to work tonight. Work has been really busy (video rental shop!) because there has been shit telly on over christmas!!! Going to see boy tomorrow!!! Can't wait, that is, if he recognises me because i feel like my tummy has been removed and filled with vegan tofurkey, chocolates, sweets and veg!!!!
Oh dear!!! I can only stay 'til fri though because i've got work on sat and there are no buses back to Leeds on the sat! Rubbish! I'm not gonna see him much either because he's at work everyday so i'm gonna have to wait at his house everyday til 6 for him to get home
Then he'll go to work at 8 everyday
Have to make the most of our time!!! It's horrible living so far away-miss him loads. The beginnings of a relationship are always my fave part-'the chase' and i feel like i'm missing that bit. The bad part is that i keep getting drunk and phoning his mobile for ages which is gonna be expensive *eek!* We need to have a band practice i think because i'm serious that i really want to do this band together!
I'll have to get the 'mega bus' at 9 tomorrow, have a nap, wake up in London at about 2. It'll be manic as well because of the sales!!! Then, get the train to Luton and get in at about 3! Coming back on fri, will be back in Leeds for 6.30 to go out in Leeds! Hope everybody has an amazing New Years!
I'm still recovering from christmas tedium i'm afraid!!! Don't get me wrong my parents are pretty cool and i definately wouldn't want to rant on about them here!!! But obviously they have their faults but they are pretty cool!!! I totally ate far too much and drank plenty. The former being the main problem!!!! I feel SO fat!! I swear i've put on about a stone-which is a nightmare!!!! I've done really well this year losing weight and going to the gym and i think i've put it all back on in about 3 days!!!!! *Argh!!!!* The hardest thing is that because you've been eating a lot your stoumach expands and then you feel hungry a lot more!!!! It's gonna be a pain getting back to normality!!!!
I'm gonna risk going in to Leeds today-because i am itching to get out the house!!! I got a little bit of money for christmas so i'm gonna look for a little pressie for boy and get a big pressie when my student loan comes!!! (Cheap-skate!!!) I made him some pictures, monsters and mix tapes so i can pretend that i spent loads of time on them!!

Got to work tonight. Work has been really busy (video rental shop!) because there has been shit telly on over christmas!!! Going to see boy tomorrow!!! Can't wait, that is, if he recognises me because i feel like my tummy has been removed and filled with vegan tofurkey, chocolates, sweets and veg!!!!

I'll have to get the 'mega bus' at 9 tomorrow, have a nap, wake up in London at about 2. It'll be manic as well because of the sales!!! Then, get the train to Luton and get in at about 3! Coming back on fri, will be back in Leeds for 6.30 to go out in Leeds! Hope everybody has an amazing New Years!
I too am now trying to get my stomach back to it's normal size. I can't afford to fill the gut that was stretched out over the past week. I guess that is what beans and rice are for.
You work at a video store. Is it a big corporate one, or one where you just help the occasional customer and watch good movies the rest of the time? I always dreamed of working at the latter.