okilly dokilly. Erm,,,i got my hair cut eventually. It's ok-bit disappointed but it's allright. I was gonna go to the place that i normally go to but i've lost my studant card and without it was gonna cost like 37 instead of 17. So i went somewhere else and a trainee did it. She was really sweet and dead shy. She was really worried that i would hate it and kept asking me if it was ok to cut different parts-bless.
It's horrible getting your hair cut. I never know where to look-like i don't want to look at myself in the mirror and i don't want to stare at the hairdresser so you end up just staring at your feet.
Went record and charity shopping too (do you call it thrift shopping i the US?!?) Any way it was good-picked up a nice dufel coat (i have 3 now-pretty bourgeoise i think you'll agree!!!) I need it because it's fucking freezing outside and i'm no good in the cold-i nearly didn't make it last year!!!!! I got some new tops and 'Master of Puppets' on vinyl for 1! i'm not sure but i gather that records are much cheaper in the States! We have some pretty good shops but they can be really expensive! I like to go to London and Manchester when i can, to go record shopping becuase there are more shops. In Leeds there is 'Out of Step' records that my friends own which is an amazing diy punk shop that sells vegan shoes too, but we call them 'out of stock', pretty self explanatory really....
Got to work tonight-then i've got a full day at uni tomorrow-3 lectures!
Break up in like 2 weeks though! Yay! Then we've got exams
I'm going to All Tomorrows Parties on fri!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! So fucking excited!!!! Gonna see....Throbbing Gristle, Wolf Eyes, The Fall, Bird Blobs, ...Trail of the Dead, Aphex Twin, Peaches, Mike Watt/George Hurley,LFO, MINUTEMEN DUET!!!!!, The Silver mount zion orchestra, Comets on fire, Growing, Little Wings, Violent Femmes, Pelican, Hood, Sunn 0))), Destroy All Monsters and watch loads of amazing films and there's really amazing djs, get to spend time with friends that i don't get to see enough of!!! It's gonna be awesome! It's right opposite a beach too. Can't wait!
Last time i fell head over hells with Mike Watt.I mean who wouldn't?!? He was walking around all weekend with a bright yellow fleece! He was amazing too. He (like us) was in the bar for most of the weekend! I grabbed his arse too (as a dare-he didn't even flinch, in fact he looked like he enjoyed it!My friend got dared to do it to Steve Albini-which she did! He looked completley stunned! She ran off before he saw who it was, it was hilarious!) The bar is amazing-i was talking to David Pajo, stood next to loads of members of Turbonegro, and Daniel Higgs from Lungfish and Mike Watt walks in!
I might change my pic. It's pretty gross. You can see right up my nose and i've got saliva. But...i also kinda like it...
It's horrible getting your hair cut. I never know where to look-like i don't want to look at myself in the mirror and i don't want to stare at the hairdresser so you end up just staring at your feet.
Went record and charity shopping too (do you call it thrift shopping i the US?!?) Any way it was good-picked up a nice dufel coat (i have 3 now-pretty bourgeoise i think you'll agree!!!) I need it because it's fucking freezing outside and i'm no good in the cold-i nearly didn't make it last year!!!!! I got some new tops and 'Master of Puppets' on vinyl for 1! i'm not sure but i gather that records are much cheaper in the States! We have some pretty good shops but they can be really expensive! I like to go to London and Manchester when i can, to go record shopping becuase there are more shops. In Leeds there is 'Out of Step' records that my friends own which is an amazing diy punk shop that sells vegan shoes too, but we call them 'out of stock', pretty self explanatory really....
Got to work tonight-then i've got a full day at uni tomorrow-3 lectures!

I'm going to All Tomorrows Parties on fri!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! So fucking excited!!!! Gonna see....Throbbing Gristle, Wolf Eyes, The Fall, Bird Blobs, ...Trail of the Dead, Aphex Twin, Peaches, Mike Watt/George Hurley,LFO, MINUTEMEN DUET!!!!!, The Silver mount zion orchestra, Comets on fire, Growing, Little Wings, Violent Femmes, Pelican, Hood, Sunn 0))), Destroy All Monsters and watch loads of amazing films and there's really amazing djs, get to spend time with friends that i don't get to see enough of!!! It's gonna be awesome! It's right opposite a beach too. Can't wait!
Last time i fell head over hells with Mike Watt.I mean who wouldn't?!? He was walking around all weekend with a bright yellow fleece! He was amazing too. He (like us) was in the bar for most of the weekend! I grabbed his arse too (as a dare-he didn't even flinch, in fact he looked like he enjoyed it!My friend got dared to do it to Steve Albini-which she did! He looked completley stunned! She ran off before he saw who it was, it was hilarious!) The bar is amazing-i was talking to David Pajo, stood next to loads of members of Turbonegro, and Daniel Higgs from Lungfish and Mike Watt walks in!

I might change my pic. It's pretty gross. You can see right up my nose and i've got saliva. But...i also kinda like it...

throbbing gristle! 
