Well i ended up staying awake all night in the end! I was gonna go to bed at 5.00 but i read over my work and it was shit so i had a bit of a stress. I haven't stayed awake all night intentially in years. I get crazy insomnia a lot but i always manage to get a couple of hours here and there. I felt really ill when i got into uni. I was feeling really sick and dead trembly.
I think it was all that caffeine that did it. I drink tea and coffee all the time but i don't drink coke or fizzy drinks (except as mixers). I don't like them. Also it's a bit silly being a vegan and concerned with companies and where your food comes from and drinking coca cola. I worked at a pub for a while and we could drink free coke and one day i drank loads of it and i was so ill. I was throwing up all night and had a migraine. I had the worst hangover that i have ever had the next day but i had had no booze at all. Makes you wonder what they put in it....
I was one of them kids that wasn't allowed coke, or sweets or any kind of junk food. My mum's ace-she's really proud of the fact that she has never been inside a Mcdonalds. When i first moved out i was lie YAY! i'M gonna have sugar puffs for tea! (because i can!) But that totally wore off and i'm so pleased we had such a good diet when we were kids and my only worry would be if i could do as well if i ever had kids! My mum is the best fucking cook EVER! She makes the best curries ever!!!! mmm....Making myself hungy....
I missed my appointment at the hairdressers today because i didn't feel well enough to go. Half way through the day i started developing a migraine and by the time i got home it was so fucking bad. I've had a bit of a kip and it seems to have gone! Thank god!I think i'll get my hair cut tomorrow-it needs it, i'm beginning to look like a hell's angel! I had dreads for a couple of years-they were so easy! I didn't have to wash them every other day-didn't have to remember to brush them (i rarely remember to brush my hair anyway). I combed them out on boxing day 2 years ago. I covered my hair in baby oil (mmm
)and they just kinda slipped out. I got sick of my friends saying that i looked like a 'crustie'! I also felt a bit wierd about having dreads too. People forget that they are a religious symbol to rastafarians-it's a little bit disrespectful. It's like wearing a crucifix if you are not christain or a skull cap and not being Jewish. Any way thats how i personlly felt about it anyway-i don't want to offend any body! (again!)
I don't know what the fuck to do with my hair-ideally i'd love something like Ren's! Her hair is amazing-but there's no way that i could pull it off.
I'm gonna ask about a fringe because i've never had one and always get really bad fringe envy!!!
I was meant to be going out tonight but don't feel up to it. Gonna watch American Splender instead. Toodles...
I think it was all that caffeine that did it. I drink tea and coffee all the time but i don't drink coke or fizzy drinks (except as mixers). I don't like them. Also it's a bit silly being a vegan and concerned with companies and where your food comes from and drinking coca cola. I worked at a pub for a while and we could drink free coke and one day i drank loads of it and i was so ill. I was throwing up all night and had a migraine. I had the worst hangover that i have ever had the next day but i had had no booze at all. Makes you wonder what they put in it....
I was one of them kids that wasn't allowed coke, or sweets or any kind of junk food. My mum's ace-she's really proud of the fact that she has never been inside a Mcdonalds. When i first moved out i was lie YAY! i'M gonna have sugar puffs for tea! (because i can!) But that totally wore off and i'm so pleased we had such a good diet when we were kids and my only worry would be if i could do as well if i ever had kids! My mum is the best fucking cook EVER! She makes the best curries ever!!!! mmm....Making myself hungy....
I missed my appointment at the hairdressers today because i didn't feel well enough to go. Half way through the day i started developing a migraine and by the time i got home it was so fucking bad. I've had a bit of a kip and it seems to have gone! Thank god!I think i'll get my hair cut tomorrow-it needs it, i'm beginning to look like a hell's angel! I had dreads for a couple of years-they were so easy! I didn't have to wash them every other day-didn't have to remember to brush them (i rarely remember to brush my hair anyway). I combed them out on boxing day 2 years ago. I covered my hair in baby oil (mmm

I don't know what the fuck to do with my hair-ideally i'd love something like Ren's! Her hair is amazing-but there's no way that i could pull it off.

I was meant to be going out tonight but don't feel up to it. Gonna watch American Splender instead. Toodles...
I didn't call her. got off work too late. tomorrow!