'Beep beep at the bus stop while you sit at the bus stop!' Geting really into house music all of a sudden
Don't know where that came from?!
I always do this.... I start obsessing over a particular band, instead of fleetingly liking lots of things. I go through phases of listening to one album or group all the time and then move onto something else. I did it with Laura Cantrell's 'Not the Trembling Kind', Dismeberment Plan, Orchid, Detroit Techno.... I'm, obsessing about The Go! Team at the moment! They're amazing. I'm pissed off because they're playing in the UK soon but i'll be at ATP (oh well). I'm sure they'll come back over to our green and freezing shores! Going really well on the essays front! One more to go (and i've had 5 cans of redbull! That should see more through it!)
If anyones an expert on any of the following let me know!
* The Boer war
* The 1908 Pensions Act
* National Insurance and means testing
* The Beveridge Report
* Multi culturalism in Britain.

I always do this.... I start obsessing over a particular band, instead of fleetingly liking lots of things. I go through phases of listening to one album or group all the time and then move onto something else. I did it with Laura Cantrell's 'Not the Trembling Kind', Dismeberment Plan, Orchid, Detroit Techno.... I'm, obsessing about The Go! Team at the moment! They're amazing. I'm pissed off because they're playing in the UK soon but i'll be at ATP (oh well). I'm sure they'll come back over to our green and freezing shores! Going really well on the essays front! One more to go (and i've had 5 cans of redbull! That should see more through it!)
If anyones an expert on any of the following let me know!
* The Boer war
* The 1908 Pensions Act
* National Insurance and means testing
* The Beveridge Report
* Multi culturalism in Britain.
I met this woman in london who used to go out with him -- I think. my london friends (maya and helen) are from leeds as well.
I've painted your page blue.