Right well i can't spell!!! But for all of you people that don't know what a Theremin is: The Theremin ws invented in 1919 by the Russian Lev Terman. It is rumoured that he was actually a russian spy!
It is a wierd looking instrument: a box with 2 antenas, and it is played without being touched. As the hand goes near the vertical antenna that soound gets higher-near the horizontal one the sound gets softer. It requires skill and pitch. In 1938 Lev Thermen (who had changed his name to Leon Theremin) was forced to leave the States and to return to the Soviet Union-leaving behind his stodio, wife and friends.
The thermin has been used in lots of horror films of the 1950s, such as 'it came from outer space' and 'the day the earth stood still'. Lots of bands have used theremins, such as Led Zep, add n to (x), Portishead, man or astro man?, talking heads and even Marilyn Manson.
Thery are really expensive but i want to be able to make "music from the ether"!!!!
It is a wierd looking instrument: a box with 2 antenas, and it is played without being touched. As the hand goes near the vertical antenna that soound gets higher-near the horizontal one the sound gets softer. It requires skill and pitch. In 1938 Lev Thermen (who had changed his name to Leon Theremin) was forced to leave the States and to return to the Soviet Union-leaving behind his stodio, wife and friends.
The thermin has been used in lots of horror films of the 1950s, such as 'it came from outer space' and 'the day the earth stood still'. Lots of bands have used theremins, such as Led Zep, add n to (x), Portishead, man or astro man?, talking heads and even Marilyn Manson.
Thery are really expensive but i want to be able to make "music from the ether"!!!!

thats so cool