I can't believe how fucking shit my day has been today! It's my fault too for being so fucking stupid!
I got home from uni and realised that i had lost my keys, so i try to ring my house mate and my phone runs out of battery. Wasn't sure what to do because my house mate is hardly ever home so i know that i can't try and wait for him. None of the neighbours are in and i don't live that near any of my friends-i live in the poorer part (less rent=more records!). I had to walk back into town to ask work if they have a copy of my mum's phone number (i know not knowing you're mother's number is shameful-but i know no shame!).
I call and it's my step dad and he's really fucking horrible and says that he won't come out and that i should sleep in the garden. It's REALLY fucking cold so didn't realy fancy that! It's horrible, all i wanted to do was get in and make a cup of tea
In the end i had to smash a window and climb in. That was pretty exciting-got to live out my burgler fantasies! What was interesting was how non of the neighbours battered an eyelid!!! I think i'm in the wrong business!!! It's nice to know that if i ever did get burgled none of them would give a fuck!
It's totally my fault as they were in my jacket pocket last night and i was amazingly drunk and just chuck my stuff anywhere-i'm such an imbecile!!
We didn't go and see the Blood Brothers in the end because they're shit! I was gonna go with my friend Laura and just hang out at te pub and not pay in to the actual gig, but they've change the layout of the venue so you can't just go to the bar and not actually go to the gig. Now you have to pay on the way in, so we fucked it off and went to the social instead and got hammered! It was mint. We went to a club called 'Come as you were' that only plays music that is pre '95 and everyone dresses up. We did a last minute attempt to dress up grunge-but i look like that most days anyway. Brown cords and jumpers-checked shirts. The night was totaly rubbish. The flyer said Dinosour Jnr, Black flag, Sonic Youth, Violent Femmes, Mudhoney-but they just played like the Levellers, the wonderstuff and stuff that was after '95 like recant Radiohead stuff. So we took advantage of the cheap booze!
I'm gonna go bang my head hard against something! And try and keep warm bacause i've got abit of a draft coming in and it's a bit nippy! Think i'l borrow Jackass the movie-because the only thing that will cheer me up is watching wee man kick himself in the head!

I got home from uni and realised that i had lost my keys, so i try to ring my house mate and my phone runs out of battery. Wasn't sure what to do because my house mate is hardly ever home so i know that i can't try and wait for him. None of the neighbours are in and i don't live that near any of my friends-i live in the poorer part (less rent=more records!). I had to walk back into town to ask work if they have a copy of my mum's phone number (i know not knowing you're mother's number is shameful-but i know no shame!).
I call and it's my step dad and he's really fucking horrible and says that he won't come out and that i should sleep in the garden. It's REALLY fucking cold so didn't realy fancy that! It's horrible, all i wanted to do was get in and make a cup of tea

It's totally my fault as they were in my jacket pocket last night and i was amazingly drunk and just chuck my stuff anywhere-i'm such an imbecile!!

We didn't go and see the Blood Brothers in the end because they're shit! I was gonna go with my friend Laura and just hang out at te pub and not pay in to the actual gig, but they've change the layout of the venue so you can't just go to the bar and not actually go to the gig. Now you have to pay on the way in, so we fucked it off and went to the social instead and got hammered! It was mint. We went to a club called 'Come as you were' that only plays music that is pre '95 and everyone dresses up. We did a last minute attempt to dress up grunge-but i look like that most days anyway. Brown cords and jumpers-checked shirts. The night was totaly rubbish. The flyer said Dinosour Jnr, Black flag, Sonic Youth, Violent Femmes, Mudhoney-but they just played like the Levellers, the wonderstuff and stuff that was after '95 like recant Radiohead stuff. So we took advantage of the cheap booze!
I'm gonna go bang my head hard against something! And try and keep warm bacause i've got abit of a draft coming in and it's a bit nippy! Think i'l borrow Jackass the movie-because the only thing that will cheer me up is watching wee man kick himself in the head!

ok goodnight