I can't wait til tomorrow. It seems to have taken an eternity to get here!!! But tomorrow my boy comes over to stay!!! And it is student loan day!!! Awlright!!!! It'll be the first time having money in fucking ages!!!! Gonna treat myself to a new record i think. Not sure what to get. Hmm....
Been revising like a swot!!! I'm an expert!!!! Don't have...
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Been revising like a swot!!! I'm an expert!!!! Don't have...
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Ok! I know that my new profile picture is rubbish but i have to admit that i found it amusing when i saw it! And my last one was Patty La Belle and i wasn't sure if it was clear who it actually was.
Oh well...the one i wanted to use (of Ralf Wiggam) didn't work. Not a great deal to report. Went into uni...
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Oh well...the one i wanted to use (of Ralf Wiggam) didn't work. Not a great deal to report. Went into uni...
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I was going to let you know...I'll be in Leeds doing sound for LCD Soundsystem on Feb13!!!
That profile pic is pretty darn good...a Ralph Wiggum one is timeless and classic though.
Good luck with whatever you do with the move.

That profile pic is pretty darn good...a Ralph Wiggum one is timeless and classic though.
Good luck with whatever you do with the move.
Right well... i'm bogged down in horrible revision hell!! Boo!!! It's rubbish. I really hate uni too. Seriously considering dropping out. I'm gonna go in tomorrow and ask to speak to someone there about it and consider my options. Hmm....
It's a pain because my boy is coming over here to visit on the 10th. He's in Ireland at the moment, seeing his family and...
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It's a pain because my boy is coming over here to visit on the 10th. He's in Ireland at the moment, seeing his family and...
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yes. play guitar more!!!
I don't know the correct spelling off hand but it's Subbach Bahaih
pronounced sub-buck buh-hi
pronounced sub-buck buh-hi
Erm....time to update...
I'm still recovering from christmas tedium i'm afraid!!! Don't get me wrong my parents are pretty cool and i definately wouldn't want to rant on about them here!!! But obviously they have their faults but they are pretty cool!!! I totally ate far too much and drank plenty. The former being the main problem!!!! I feel SO fat!! I swear i've put...
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I'm still recovering from christmas tedium i'm afraid!!! Don't get me wrong my parents are pretty cool and i definately wouldn't want to rant on about them here!!! But obviously they have their faults but they are pretty cool!!! I totally ate far too much and drank plenty. The former being the main problem!!!! I feel SO fat!! I swear i've put...
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Yay! No vegan attacks on this end either this year
Even with all the drinking and long drawn out visits...I'm amazed I kept it cool.
I too am now trying to get my stomach back to it's normal size. I can't afford to fill the gut that was stretched out over the past week. I guess that is what beans and rice are for.
You work at a video store. Is it a big corporate one, or one where you just help the occasional customer and watch good movies the rest of the time? I always dreamed of working at the latter.

I too am now trying to get my stomach back to it's normal size. I can't afford to fill the gut that was stretched out over the past week. I guess that is what beans and rice are for.
You work at a video store. Is it a big corporate one, or one where you just help the occasional customer and watch good movies the rest of the time? I always dreamed of working at the latter.
Ok i am admitting defeat and Billy Boy is correct that they are out to scam you and i should ALWAYS read the small print! So i am still here (til Jan 10th!)and should probably make the most of things!
Came back from London on Mon. It's so depressing coming home! It's really cold and dreary here. We had a christmas party last sun which...
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Came back from London on Mon. It's so depressing coming home! It's really cold and dreary here. We had a christmas party last sun which...
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Cancers wOOt wOOT!!! *does that 'raise the roof' thing with hands*
Yeah, those Tofurky things are the best thing sinced sliced bread. I always get the little ones since I am the only one at the family dinner who eats it. So rather than being shaped like a turkey they are just shaped like a little football...needless to say it didn't come with a little wishbone
Yeah, those Tofurky things are the best thing sinced sliced bread. I always get the little ones since I am the only one at the family dinner who eats it. So rather than being shaped like a turkey they are just shaped like a little football...needless to say it didn't come with a little wishbone

Yeah my friend has this crazy video of them playing there. it's some bootleg he got in the early eighties. pretty trippy shit. what's the big plans for new years? oh and how is things with your new man friend, good i hope. that's awesome you are getting things up with the music and all. good luck
Ok! Just got back! It was fucking awesome!!!! FUCKING WOLFEYES!!!!!!!! Got to go to a party and hang out with Wolf Eyes!!!
Get me!!!!! And they are all such sweet hearts!!!
Every band was sooo good!!! Throbbing Gristle were awesome! There was a lot of amazing gabba too. Aphex played for 2 and a half hours!!! Sun0))) were like the devil dying in your mind...
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Every band was sooo good!!! Throbbing Gristle were awesome! There was a lot of amazing gabba too. Aphex played for 2 and a half hours!!! Sun0))) were like the devil dying in your mind...
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Dang, that sucks that you are leaving so soon. But, from what you've said earlier I totally understand. I too will get that tape out to you. Things are freakin' insane right now inside my head so my music concentration has been pretty much focused to the old comfertable songs...lots and lots of Bright Eyes. Once I make a decision on the living thing, however, and basically start to move on with my life again, I will start keeping my ear out for the mix that is worth crossing the Atlantic.
I'll keep in touch through email. Talk with you later.
edited to say: Wow, I just saw Hella in your favorite bands. They are a local band from right next to where I grew up. I've seen them live at shitty little clubs. Small world I guess...no, actually you just have amazing taste.
[Edited on Dec 11, 2004 3:59PM]
I'll keep in touch through email. Talk with you later.

edited to say: Wow, I just saw Hella in your favorite bands. They are a local band from right next to where I grew up. I've seen them live at shitty little clubs. Small world I guess...no, actually you just have amazing taste.

[Edited on Dec 11, 2004 3:59PM]
I figured as much when you said your account expired in a day and you were still on here for a week after that. You must read the fine print my darling...these kids are out to scam!!!
Getting really really excited and anxious. Packed my bag and checked it about 5 times!!!! Been trying not to listen to the bands that are playing TOO much but i can't help it. I know if i watch the lightning bolt dvd i'm gonna get even more excited!!!!!
Ha ha! I'm going and i guess you're all not! Oh well
Just been to buy booze....
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That's too bad you missid the Cobras but I'm sure all those other bands will make up for it. Lightning bolt is so fucking good live. I know I've said it before but DAMN they are good. You and Nefertari should come over here to SF and meet up with me and billyboy. I think that would kick ass. Well have fun at the festival, im jelouse. Too much work and not enough shows lately. Good choices on the booze! just my style,haha
Oh yeah, your new profile pic is HOTT!
damn girl
damn girl
okilly dokilly. Erm,,,i got my hair cut eventually. It's ok-bit disappointed but it's allright. I was gonna go to the place that i normally go to but i've lost my studant card and without it was gonna cost like 37 instead of 17. So i went somewhere else and a trainee did it. She was really sweet and dead shy. She was really worried that...
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throbbing gristle! 


Well i ended up staying awake all night in the end! I was gonna go to bed at 5.00 but i read over my work and it was shit so i had a bit of a stress. I haven't stayed awake all night intentially in years. I get crazy insomnia a lot but i always manage to get a couple of hours here and there....
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Beck is the undisputed king of the scene! No one can fuck with his dace moves. Nobody! Ian Curtis had some wacky moves too. I don't care if I look "cool" I just love me some dancin. Sure am sore though. I think I'll be developing a couple black eyes by tommorow from getting kicked in the face so much. ha!
oh sorry, no I never got to see them. wish I had, they are one of my alltime favorites. I'm goin to sleep soon but tomorrow I'll read your journal and talk some more. nighty night
I didn't call her. got off work too late. tomorrow!
I didn't call her. got off work too late. tomorrow!
'Beep beep at the bus stop while you sit at the bus stop!' Geting really into house music all of a sudden
Don't know where that came from?!
I always do this.... I start obsessing over a particular band, instead of fleetingly liking lots of things. I go through phases of listening to one album or group all the time and then move onto something...
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I always do this.... I start obsessing over a particular band, instead of fleetingly liking lots of things. I go through phases of listening to one album or group all the time and then move onto something...
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yeah, he came on tour w/us (Trans Am, fucking Champs) and has figured prominently in my whole story of Leeds. He, Gozzy, Mark Simms, Rob Hallowes...yep. Small world!
I met this woman in london who used to go out with him -- I think. my london friends (maya and helen) are from leeds as well.
I met this woman in london who used to go out with him -- I think. my london friends (maya and helen) are from leeds as well.
g'nite then...
I've painted your page blue.
I've painted your page blue.
ps - I saw you have Bonnie "Prince" Billy as a favorite. What do you know about Devandra Banhart? If you haven't heard him yet he might be someone you'd dig.
[Edited on Jan 11, 2005 11:20AM]