Hey honey
Not partici-pated in this fab community for a long time. I am a busty (typing error but when i realised found it comical so kept) bee, at the moment, revising for uni exams. 1 down though, 3 2 go!
So any1 done anything interesting lately, been naked anywhere strange? dodgy dreams?
I did dream the other day that i married into the royal family and released all the servants-very strange!
Not partici-pated in this fab community for a long time. I am a busty (typing error but when i realised found it comical so kept) bee, at the moment, revising for uni exams. 1 down though, 3 2 go!
So any1 done anything interesting lately, been naked anywhere strange? dodgy dreams?
I did dream the other day that i married into the royal family and released all the servants-very strange!
dodgy dreams?!?!? yeah, i dreamt that i slept with one of my bosses n the dream was so real that when i woke up i turned over to make sure i was alone in bed!
Have you vanished miss...