I have not gone to a tattoo convention in over 10 years now and am finally going to one again. This time with a twist for me. My artist asked me Saturday when he was finishing my half sleeve if I would be interested in getting tattooed at the convention. I asked him what style he was wanting to do and he told me more towards realism in color so he could build his portfolio more. He has only been in the area for maybe just over a year. As he was tattooing me I looked for something I would like and we both agreed a samurai mask would be good. Before I left I found a design I liked and he was all for doing. I’m giving him freedom to change what he wants and gave him free reign on color combinations. It could be a mix of reds and oranges or spit between cool and warm colors. I do remember the last convention I went to had a SG booth and am not sure if there will be one there or not. This is way before I knew what SG was. It would be cool to meet some of you amazing models.
Great I hope u enjoy your time there 😊