Been a while should update.
Hooked up another client with a sonicwall, so now I have another customer I can work from home to fix.
I like this working from home but I really need to remain more active than I have been. It is starting to catch up with me sitting on my ass all day.
So the band of the week that I am very into is South Ambulance. Their first album, s/t, should be out soon and I highly recommend them to all fans of say Ride if they were on Creation. I think they are going to be big.
Got a new psp, has a couple of dead pixels, so I need to go through the game of finding a good one. Already got the web browser running on it and trying to get a wireless hacking program installed on my portal. Definitely enjoying the Lumines puzzle game.
Also bought a game for the pc I just started playing called Psychonauts, damn fun. And I know it's a kids game I don't care.
Elliot had a great time in Germany and was nice enough to bring us back allot of good candy. He has been good in school since being back as well.
Hooked up another client with a sonicwall, so now I have another customer I can work from home to fix.
I like this working from home but I really need to remain more active than I have been. It is starting to catch up with me sitting on my ass all day.
So the band of the week that I am very into is South Ambulance. Their first album, s/t, should be out soon and I highly recommend them to all fans of say Ride if they were on Creation. I think they are going to be big.
Got a new psp, has a couple of dead pixels, so I need to go through the game of finding a good one. Already got the web browser running on it and trying to get a wireless hacking program installed on my portal. Definitely enjoying the Lumines puzzle game.
Also bought a game for the pc I just started playing called Psychonauts, damn fun. And I know it's a kids game I don't care.
Elliot had a great time in Germany and was nice enough to bring us back allot of good candy. He has been good in school since being back as well.
thank you for the congrats on the troll, she's been pretty amusing so far, i am sure it only gets better, i have thus far enjoyed her not once, but twice, peeing on jazz
but i guess thats what makes me evil 

Multiple bbq's would be like a dream. Stan?