Happy 4th of July folks! It has been a nice realxing day.
My boy is moving down for sure! He is off in nortnern Mass now hanging with that side of his family and going to see his uncle be wed in Niagra Falls. I think he will dig it.
Anyone living in Portland needs to go see the High Violets/ Human Television/ Lilys show this Thursday at the Doug Fir. That is if you have any soul at all. It will be the best show this year period. That is until the Mission of Burma show in September of course.
I think we are heading up to the couv tonight for some good times and to see the nice firework display.
I still cannot believe my son is actually moving back to Portland, it has been so long.
Oh and Stan McMahon is playing Saturday at the White Eagle with my good friend Nate, who is Stan's bassist/ keyboardist, opening.
My boy is moving down for sure! He is off in nortnern Mass now hanging with that side of his family and going to see his uncle be wed in Niagra Falls. I think he will dig it.
Anyone living in Portland needs to go see the High Violets/ Human Television/ Lilys show this Thursday at the Doug Fir. That is if you have any soul at all. It will be the best show this year period. That is until the Mission of Burma show in September of course.
I think we are heading up to the couv tonight for some good times and to see the nice firework display.
I still cannot believe my son is actually moving back to Portland, it has been so long.
Oh and Stan McMahon is playing Saturday at the White Eagle with my good friend Nate, who is Stan's bassist/ keyboardist, opening.
Hrm, well, I sort of abandoned hope at finding the 7's. In my original version of that post I'd made a declaration of not getting, and not thinking I could get, my hands on them. But, yes, I managed to find the three proper albums as well as Dark Ages, Lepidoptera and the 4-song EP on vinyl. I even managed to get The New Year's two proper albums on vinyl too. I think I remember seeing a New Year 10" awhile ago. I've been looking for that as well. Anyway, that's about what I've been up to. 

Nice hanging out tonight.