i am the public relations queen!
no, really, they bought me a crown at work. and i wear it 'cause i like sparkly things and it looks cute on me.
but really. the bad news is that the emergency departments in IL got a C grade and ranked 22nd out of 51. the good news is that i am genius enough to convince some people...
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no, really, they bought me a crown at work. and i wear it 'cause i like sparkly things and it looks cute on me.
but really. the bad news is that the emergency departments in IL got a C grade and ranked 22nd out of 51. the good news is that i am genius enough to convince some people...
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Never settle for less than what you deserve. It is more than you may think.
Just stoping in to say Hello!!!!
here's hoping that 2006 will bring better than 2005.
although all it's brought so far is one hell of a headache, a lingering hangover, and cut-up feet from wearing really cute shoes to traipse around the city in.
of course, all those things would be my fault ... drank too much, stayed out too late, but had a hell of a time doing it all....
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although all it's brought so far is one hell of a headache, a lingering hangover, and cut-up feet from wearing really cute shoes to traipse around the city in.
of course, all those things would be my fault ... drank too much, stayed out too late, but had a hell of a time doing it all....
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am i the only one who finds that holidays with the family serve only to make me realize that the very best xmas present i could get would be to be told i'm adopted????
merry christmas anyway!
merry christmas anyway!

hope your new year will be a good one

hope your new year will be a good one
reason #1232480945 why i shouldn't date: Tuesday night.
let's recap.
Joe. 28. retail planner/interior designer for Walgreens Corp. Designs furniture on the side.
Meet, go for drinks. He seems nice enough. Dresses well, can hold a conversation. Two drinks and an hour later, I'm bored and the bar is too loud to talk. So we go to his apartment. I want to see his cat...
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let's recap.
Joe. 28. retail planner/interior designer for Walgreens Corp. Designs furniture on the side.
Meet, go for drinks. He seems nice enough. Dresses well, can hold a conversation. Two drinks and an hour later, I'm bored and the bar is too loud to talk. So we go to his apartment. I want to see his cat...
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ok, what kind of a lunatic talks to me for one day and now professes to be in love with me?? how do i ALWAYS do this???? seriously. i'm not even nice. or cute. anyone that knows me can vouch for that!!!
fuuuuuuuuck. he sent me flowers at work. they called from the office.
fuuuuuuuuck. he sent me flowers at work. they called from the office.
Run, Lushious, Run!

as long as he doesn't show up at your door with 'The Catcher & The Rye' in his back pocket you should be fine...
as long as he doesn't show up at your door with 'The Catcher & The Rye' in his back pocket you should be fine...
apparently, we are called the entitlement generation. we're well-educated, well-dressed, and financially well-off. and we think we deserve everything we want NOW without working for it.
i saw it on this little segment of the news. it was all flashy and showing close-ups of Chanel and Louis Vuitton and other brand names and then talking about how the newest generation of recent college graduates is...
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i saw it on this little segment of the news. it was all flashy and showing close-ups of Chanel and Louis Vuitton and other brand names and then talking about how the newest generation of recent college graduates is...
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it's my birthday ... i say that like i'm excited, but i'm kinda bummed. i'm sick, so i had to cancel the night out with the girls and i really could have used the ego boost that going out to the bars can bring.
but i'm on antibiotics and doped up on dayquil and in my pj's and i looked in the mirror and it...
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but i'm on antibiotics and doped up on dayquil and in my pj's and i looked in the mirror and it...
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awww, being sick on your birthday sucks. pooooor lushious
do you work for some sort of publishing company or something? if you have any questions about html feel free to shoot me an email.
the program i used is called Flash. been using it since v.3, its now v.8. i do web and multimedia for a living and i always have fun doing it. if i were to pick any other career than this, it would be a rock star!

do you work for some sort of publishing company or something? if you have any questions about html feel free to shoot me an email.

the program i used is called Flash. been using it since v.3, its now v.8. i do web and multimedia for a living and i always have fun doing it. if i were to pick any other career than this, it would be a rock star!

HAPPY BELATED BERFDAY! So in otherwords a very merry un-birthday to you! Yes you!
i put up a xmas tree today!!! i love the holidays. even though i hate the cold and snow, it puts me in a good mood to be outside, walking from shop to shop, with snowflakes falling on my eyelashes and frozen cheeks.
i wish i had someone to do that with again.
oh well. i am thinking that i shouldn't rush into a relationship...
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i wish i had someone to do that with again.

oh well. i am thinking that i shouldn't rush into a relationship...
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i never put up an xmas tree anymore. i figure, who am i gonna put presents under it for? myself?
ill just open them right away cuz no one can stop me

happy birthday! 

i'm finding out the hard way that i was no good at being in a relationship. i managed to alienate every last one of my friends by constantly pulling crap like not returning calls or breaking plans ... and now i really need people to talk to and i can't blame them for not wanting to listen to me agonize about this relationship thing for...
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i have a new coat. and a new pair of black boots. and new luggage. and a sexy holiday outfit. and the entire clinique black honey limited edition make-up collection. and the Grey's Anatomy and O.C. Mix 5 soundtracks. and a beautiful "break-up" purse. (although it hasn't come in the mail yet -- damn ebay. i need instant gratification.)
and i may have a shopping...
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and i may have a shopping...
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funny, i always thought id never be the guy without a girlfriend. but here i am...
i guess thats what i get for being too picky
i guess thats what i get for being too picky

ah, but the real question is, can you be without a girlfriend?? because i'm driving myself crazy alone. i don't know what to do with myself.
better to be picky than to settle, though ...
better to be picky than to settle, though ...