Monday Aug 27, 2012 Aug 27, 2012 0 Facebook Tweet Email This is a very interesting documentary
Monday Aug 27, 2012 Aug 26, 2012 0 Facebook Tweet Email "Nothing good can ever come from staying with normal people"
Saturday Aug 25, 2012 Aug 25, 2012 0 Facebook Tweet Email make love not porn sign up page
Thursday Aug 23, 2012 Aug 23, 2012 0 Facebook Tweet Email 40 cases of tattoo infections because of distilled water in ink
Monday Aug 20, 2012 Aug 20, 2012 0 Facebook Tweet Email You can never trust anyone who is afraid. Actually, I do not think that anyone with unrestrained emotions cannot be trusted. They are too dangerous and destructive. To themselves, others, the world. It is like schizophrenics, except schizophrenics can be medicated. perr: My emotions are pretty unrestrained. Aug 20, 2012 silvercharmer: I'm pretty cool and calculating. I pretty much know what I'm doing all the time... even when I'm subconsciously doing it. Aug 20, 2012