Gay panic. What ever happened to gay panic? The extremity of the ratings wars amongst day time talk shows culminated when a guest on the jenny jones show killed another guest. In the frothing fervor to push the boundaries of what was permissible on daytime television in a hopeless race to the bottom. Many talk shows that at the beginning tried to be like oprah ended up finding their niches, with few survivors. Last I knew maury was still doing paternity tests. Jenny Jones had secret crushes. They got a guy all riled up over who his secret crush could be and I believe actively implying it was a woman. Then this dude popped out. The straight guy killed the homosexual secret crush a few days after the show aired. The murderer's defense was gay panic. He was so upset and felt is sexuality so threatened by the advances and apparent humiliation of a homosexual having a crush on him and it being presented on national television that he killed the man in a sort of abstract self defense.
SO, where is the gay panic now? The united states has been continually regressing since the 1970's. They trayvon martin incident and the statistical data that came out around that time have made it quite clear that it is now apparently okay to murder black youths because they are inherently threatening by their very nature. Stand your ground laws and apparently no other means of self defense apply to women or minorities defending themselves even from the very real threat of domestic abuse. All that matters is what white men in red states find to be threatening to them. So the question that popped into my head this morning is how long before gay panic comes back and is legitimized by stand your ground or other ALEC based laws used by republicans to dominate whatever space they can? With indiana making it illegal for gay couples to even apply for a license, louisiana using antisodomy laws to harass homosexuals, and ever more anti homosexual propaganda about. When shall we start to see these murders popping up? As I think about it. Since actual terrorist actions from white supremacist groups have now been officially ignored. Like when that white guy in wisconsin shot up the sikh temple and all the news outlets ignored it. Everyone forgot about the oklahoma city bombing by an antigoverment white supremacist. The rise of antigovernment white supremacist groups like the tea party. Then there is the fact that MOST of the foiled terrorist attacks were utterly fake cases of entrapment by the FBI and other authorities. So it is kind of surprising that there have not been a bunch of stand your ground cases where muslims and brown people were not just shot in the street. Or maybe there are and the media just doesn't report it because they are not important. Black people at least have the benefit of white guilt and enough of a population that people notice when they organize. Sikhs are not even muslims. They are from india and they are just about the noblest of people. They feed EVERYONE at their temple services. They can be a little old school and earthy, but where are the god damned christians really being charitable and really trying to do something for the poor? Modern christianity could not be less christian. It is more about hate, militancy and eschatology. So if you are anything that republicans fear or that they rile up their base of numbskulls to fear. Then you had better watched your back and get an armored house. Women are a little more complex. Republican "good christian" women are supposed to be obedient to their man masters or be disciplined as per the rules of god. So don't talk back and do whatever he says and you will get to live. But if eve resists adam then she will have to be put in her place. Maybe that is why homosexuality is so frightening? They cannot make sense of homosexuality in the context of their gender hierarchy so that threatens their sense of being absolutely correct which gives a sense of comfort through living a lie that you conveniently manipulate as you see fit. So they see it as a threat to their control structure that they take comfort in. If you are a fat stupid old white guy then it feels very good to know that god said you make all the rules in HIS name and everyone else is either in your club or your bitch. So sayeth the lord.
Then again who says the threatened male has to identify as republican or a conservative? Most "open minded" people are liars who are just as narrow minded and afraid as the others.
SO, where is the gay panic now? The united states has been continually regressing since the 1970's. They trayvon martin incident and the statistical data that came out around that time have made it quite clear that it is now apparently okay to murder black youths because they are inherently threatening by their very nature. Stand your ground laws and apparently no other means of self defense apply to women or minorities defending themselves even from the very real threat of domestic abuse. All that matters is what white men in red states find to be threatening to them. So the question that popped into my head this morning is how long before gay panic comes back and is legitimized by stand your ground or other ALEC based laws used by republicans to dominate whatever space they can? With indiana making it illegal for gay couples to even apply for a license, louisiana using antisodomy laws to harass homosexuals, and ever more anti homosexual propaganda about. When shall we start to see these murders popping up? As I think about it. Since actual terrorist actions from white supremacist groups have now been officially ignored. Like when that white guy in wisconsin shot up the sikh temple and all the news outlets ignored it. Everyone forgot about the oklahoma city bombing by an antigoverment white supremacist. The rise of antigovernment white supremacist groups like the tea party. Then there is the fact that MOST of the foiled terrorist attacks were utterly fake cases of entrapment by the FBI and other authorities. So it is kind of surprising that there have not been a bunch of stand your ground cases where muslims and brown people were not just shot in the street. Or maybe there are and the media just doesn't report it because they are not important. Black people at least have the benefit of white guilt and enough of a population that people notice when they organize. Sikhs are not even muslims. They are from india and they are just about the noblest of people. They feed EVERYONE at their temple services. They can be a little old school and earthy, but where are the god damned christians really being charitable and really trying to do something for the poor? Modern christianity could not be less christian. It is more about hate, militancy and eschatology. So if you are anything that republicans fear or that they rile up their base of numbskulls to fear. Then you had better watched your back and get an armored house. Women are a little more complex. Republican "good christian" women are supposed to be obedient to their man masters or be disciplined as per the rules of god. So don't talk back and do whatever he says and you will get to live. But if eve resists adam then she will have to be put in her place. Maybe that is why homosexuality is so frightening? They cannot make sense of homosexuality in the context of their gender hierarchy so that threatens their sense of being absolutely correct which gives a sense of comfort through living a lie that you conveniently manipulate as you see fit. So they see it as a threat to their control structure that they take comfort in. If you are a fat stupid old white guy then it feels very good to know that god said you make all the rules in HIS name and everyone else is either in your club or your bitch. So sayeth the lord.
Then again who says the threatened male has to identify as republican or a conservative? Most "open minded" people are liars who are just as narrow minded and afraid as the others.