I carry a copy of the constitution with me. I often carry other books with me. in physical form or on my phone. Usually both. I am generally disgusted and offended by the world we live in and the aversion to truth and intellect. No one seems interested in the truth, what is real, what is best, long term greater goals. They only care about themselves and their ideologies. While the motivation for the revolution may have been rich men trying to avoid taxes. The document created from it was a means of making a safe place for intellectuals to be. now everyone who says they are protecting it are working against it and its principles. On one hand we cannot afford any more collapses of civilization. On the other hand, I like to see it when people indignantly make the wrong decision and suffer severely for it. Hubris should be punished. Selfishness is the only sin. Selfishness is the source of all decisions that harm others needlessly. Selfishness and stupidity are the only reasons that all of humanity is not collectively working to advance our species into the beautiful futures that we dream of. It is the cause of all the worlds problems. Some of these things are based in biology, which far too many people refuse to fully accept. It makes it hard for me to live. I don't live for myself, so I have to keep trying to do what I can to make it better until I am no longer here. I cannot live any other way. I look around and I may think to myself who am I doing this for? who really deserves this? Amongst the millions of people who would destroy everything to see their own interests fulfilled for just another day. There are handfuls of people who are beautiful and could build a beautiful future if they were not overshadowed and overwhelmed by those who just don't care.