My application for Army Aviation (Warrant Officer) is up for review next month. Plus, I've been really pro-active on getting what I need to do out of the way for becoming an Army PA. I'm enrolling in CSU to get the classes I lack taken care of, I have to take the SAT next month (ugh!), and I'm going to start getting some clinical time at the TMC here working with PA's and doc's so I can letters of recommendation and what not going on. The PA told me today he wanted to get me in their ACLS course. I was excited about that. So all in all, things are good. The only thing I'm missing are my girls. But, it's like they say: if it was meant to be it will be. So, either she and I will be together again someday, or, that special lady is still out there waiting for me to find her and make her mine. I just can't wait to have my family. Geez, I'm such a softy.
I needed to hear something like that.