All right kids, I'm gonna be gone for a while. I leave for Dahlonega, GA in the morning for EFMB (Expert Field Medical) training. Barring me doing anything stupid I'm supposed to be gone for three weeks. If you hear from me sooner than that I did something stupid, so make fun of me for it. Anyway, I'm a bit nervous. This is my first time going and a lot of people end up going a couple times before they get it. I hear there's something like a 60% failure rate. So the odds are against me AND some 'friends' tried their very hardest to keep me from preparing properly this weekend. Oh well, whatever happens happens. Hopefully I'll be gone for three weeks and come back smiling. If not, fuck it. Either way, talk to you guys soon.
But I hope that you do great and we all hope not to hear from you for 3 weeks..... not because we want you to do great... just because you are a fuck tard.... and we need a break from you already!