Quickly, I've been in Ft. Benning for a week now and just finished the initial in-processing. That sucked by the way. Really. Now, I'm actually on the main post and begin final in-processing on Tuesday because tomorrow starts a four day weekend, so there won't be anyone around to do their freaking job. Yeah!! Oh well I guess. Better to be here than where I was earlier today. Hope you all are doing well and look forward to having more time to talk with you later.
More Blogs
Until next year folks, take care
Well, time to conclude this little project. It was super fun and I'… -
Last one..... tonight
Good night all you ghouls and gals. I hope it was awesome for you. … -
I think I have one more in me
"The wind came by. It rocked all the dark smoking pumpkins on the… -
Awaken, all ye spirits and ghouls, the day is finally upon us
“Anyone could see that the wind was a special wind this night, and … -
You know what tomorrow is?
Late post, I had some stuff going on this morning and failed to get… -
Let spookiness reign
In my effort to conserve some stuff to make sure I had plenty as … -
Life's no fun without a good scare
“…it was the afternoon of Halloween. And all the houses shut… -
Need a mood boost today
I needed a bit of pick-me-up today, so here's an extra big dump t… -
It's raining
Really didn't want to post anything after waking up to today's head…
hope you're feeling better for being there x x x
1. What's your sexual orientation? Straight / Bi / Gay
2. Do you drink alcohol?
3. If yes, what's your favourite drink?
4. What's your favourite after-hours activity or hobby?
5. What job did you want to do as a child?
6. Do you have pets?
7. If yes, what?
8. Do you prefer savoury or sweet?
If you check out my blog you will find my own answers to these questions there soon ...