No news. Just sitting in the miserable heat. Fun. Going back to Huntington tonight. 'She' wrote me an email today from Kuwait. She's doing well. But it still hurt to think that right now there's some guy in Hawaii waiting to get phone calls from her, emails everyday, and whom she'll probably go visit on her R&R. That was supposed to be me. A friend of mine told me something funny. He said he looked at my MySpace page and then looked at hers. He said that if the guy he was looking at is the guy she left me for, then, "what is she thinking?" I couldn't help but laugh at that. I feel the same way. The fucker has this stupid little smirk on his face in every picture that just makes me want to shove a fucking grenade down his throat. That may be a little harsh, but goddammit, the rule is YOU DON'T FUCK WITH SOMEONE ELSE'S GIRL. I don't care what the situation is, you wait until it is resolved and then you fucking make your move. No, not this piece of shit.
Sorry. I've told everyone on here before that I will never be able to get over this. Bold statement, but I know it to be true. If I'm ever able to get involved with someone again I will forever be comparing that relationship to this one. I will forever compare that girl to 'her.' And I will forever question her committment, cuz I was so blatantly lied to. So, I think you may all agree that I am better off alone.
Sorry. I've told everyone on here before that I will never be able to get over this. Bold statement, but I know it to be true. If I'm ever able to get involved with someone again I will forever be comparing that relationship to this one. I will forever compare that girl to 'her.' And I will forever question her committment, cuz I was so blatantly lied to. So, I think you may all agree that I am better off alone.
dunno if you r better off alone but it sounds as tho your better off without her, no matter how much you care about her.
it'll get better,
I don't think I'll ever forgive him. I'll stop caring one day soon, but I'll never forgive him.