Celebrated my fuckin birthday on friday till saturday. Do i have to mention that i was as drunk as hell is funky? Oow, that was one of these "champagner for my friends and sparkling wine for all the bitches"-party. Just dropped my pants after a while of rockin in this club, yeaaaah! Until today i cant remember what gift i have received from my friends, how cool is that?!
But at monday some girls of my company made me a nice present, or better: the most ugly present i ever received! But please have a look at it and make your own opinion about it:
This little asshole make some cheesy noises when you squeeze its nose, horrible. And absolutely uncomfortable of course. Aaaaaaaand sooooo uglyyyyy and useless, aaaaaarrrghhh...
Ok, the laughter is on your side now, but fuck you and rock on...

But at monday some girls of my company made me a nice present, or better: the most ugly present i ever received! But please have a look at it and make your own opinion about it:

This little asshole make some cheesy noises when you squeeze its nose, horrible. And absolutely uncomfortable of course. Aaaaaaaand sooooo uglyyyyy and useless, aaaaaarrrghhh...
Ok, the laughter is on your side now, but fuck you and rock on...

Unfassbar... und sowas seh ich frueh am morgen.
Danke fuer dein comment! Gruesse nach switzerland zurueck, deine gruesse haben ein moment gedauert mich zu ereichen weil sie ein umweg nach New York machen mussten! Aber ich gruesse Berlin noch mal fuer dich wenn ich wieder da bin!