Intensive Purposes
Daffy and Bugs, the two heavy hitters of Looney Tunes. Both alike in dignity and respect, in fair Warner Bros. Studio Lot where we lay our scene. Like Superman and Batman, Bugs and Daffy were both giants of their art forms and went hand in hand, like The Beatles or The Stones, you had to pick one. I'm a Daffy man myself. He's a lunatic vigilante and a greedy glory hound from cartoon to cartoon. He is harried and oppressed at all times, and he often makes things worse for himself. He's the underdog to everyone except in his mind, where he's the stud that Bugs Bunny actually is. He is the shadow of Bugs Bunny. Like Batman to Superman, Nas to Jay-Z, The Celtics to The Lakers, he's a man for the people, although he's a flawed man (and a duck). The whole time he was batshit crazy and would maybe kill you or get you laid, whatever came first.
To make the point, your dad likes Bugs Bunny He also likes mowing the lawn and is a Republican.
And for all intents and purposes, Pepe Le Pew is a deviant, uncontrollable sexual predator of the highest order. He is that intensly creepy guy who smells bad. Is he a fugitive from justice, wanted for crimes against sexual reason? Whenever he walks past people, they gasp Le Pew! and run for les collines. He effortlessly persues a stray cat who has unfortunetly fallen victim to a cruel accident in which she's been transformed via two strategic white paint lines, into a skuknk. And this poor she-cat can only run for her goddamn life. I used to think she was running from him because of his smell, but it turns out she was probably scared shitless she was going to wind up in some alley (where Pepe Le Pew was constantly loitering, by the by). She was right to run and I hoped she escaped his monsterous clutches everytime.
And then there's Droopy and Screwy Squirrel. Both were, in my eyes, efficient killing machines of the highest order, perfect in execution and unstoppable. It twisted them, clearly. Was Droopy always this sad, depressed man? Screwy Squirrel wasn't always eratic and highly volitile, was he? Droopy was pretty much the greatest hound dog/infallable super cop ever to exist, whereas Squirrel was some sort of demi-god who punished anyone who came within eye sight of him. Their personalities lie not in their skills, which while great even in cartoon terms, aren't impressive for the same reaons. What's interesting is the layer upon layer of deep rooted mental health issues both share.
Droopy is bored to death. Bored of escaped convicts who think locking him in a safe, submerging it in cement and throwing him into the ocean is going to deter him at all. Bored of hypersexually agressive wolves who try to cock block him. Screwy Squirrel was different. He is actively looking for a challenge and the lack of competition has driven him completely insane with power. He can pull objects out of thin air, multiply himself a hundred fold and be blown apart only to appear in a boiling kettle for no fucking reason. Both crave excitement and something more.
I can only surmise from this that if Droopy Dog and Screwy Squirrel were to meet in combat, the very fabric of reality would be torn asunder and we'd be destroyed in a swirl of cruel madness and Technicolor.

Daffy and Bugs, the two heavy hitters of Looney Tunes. Both alike in dignity and respect, in fair Warner Bros. Studio Lot where we lay our scene. Like Superman and Batman, Bugs and Daffy were both giants of their art forms and went hand in hand, like The Beatles or The Stones, you had to pick one. I'm a Daffy man myself. He's a lunatic vigilante and a greedy glory hound from cartoon to cartoon. He is harried and oppressed at all times, and he often makes things worse for himself. He's the underdog to everyone except in his mind, where he's the stud that Bugs Bunny actually is. He is the shadow of Bugs Bunny. Like Batman to Superman, Nas to Jay-Z, The Celtics to The Lakers, he's a man for the people, although he's a flawed man (and a duck). The whole time he was batshit crazy and would maybe kill you or get you laid, whatever came first.

To make the point, your dad likes Bugs Bunny He also likes mowing the lawn and is a Republican.
And for all intents and purposes, Pepe Le Pew is a deviant, uncontrollable sexual predator of the highest order. He is that intensly creepy guy who smells bad. Is he a fugitive from justice, wanted for crimes against sexual reason? Whenever he walks past people, they gasp Le Pew! and run for les collines. He effortlessly persues a stray cat who has unfortunetly fallen victim to a cruel accident in which she's been transformed via two strategic white paint lines, into a skuknk. And this poor she-cat can only run for her goddamn life. I used to think she was running from him because of his smell, but it turns out she was probably scared shitless she was going to wind up in some alley (where Pepe Le Pew was constantly loitering, by the by). She was right to run and I hoped she escaped his monsterous clutches everytime.
And then there's Droopy and Screwy Squirrel. Both were, in my eyes, efficient killing machines of the highest order, perfect in execution and unstoppable. It twisted them, clearly. Was Droopy always this sad, depressed man? Screwy Squirrel wasn't always eratic and highly volitile, was he? Droopy was pretty much the greatest hound dog/infallable super cop ever to exist, whereas Squirrel was some sort of demi-god who punished anyone who came within eye sight of him. Their personalities lie not in their skills, which while great even in cartoon terms, aren't impressive for the same reaons. What's interesting is the layer upon layer of deep rooted mental health issues both share.

Droopy is bored to death. Bored of escaped convicts who think locking him in a safe, submerging it in cement and throwing him into the ocean is going to deter him at all. Bored of hypersexually agressive wolves who try to cock block him. Screwy Squirrel was different. He is actively looking for a challenge and the lack of competition has driven him completely insane with power. He can pull objects out of thin air, multiply himself a hundred fold and be blown apart only to appear in a boiling kettle for no fucking reason. Both crave excitement and something more.

I can only surmise from this that if Droopy Dog and Screwy Squirrel were to meet in combat, the very fabric of reality would be torn asunder and we'd be destroyed in a swirl of cruel madness and Technicolor.

I need a drink.